Used outboard buyers in Perth?

Just an additional question to go with my one earlier today...

Does anyone know a few decent dealers who buy second hand motors in Perth? Am upgrading and looking at getting some cash for my current Merc Opti 115 2 stroke @ 525 hours to help soften the blow of a new one...

Ill be getting the usual performance and condition print outs done from the local Merc dealer in the next few days so will hopefully be able to sort something out

thanks again in advance

Posts: 1136

Date Joined: 10/06/09

sell privately will get far

Fri, 2014-05-30 09:53

sell privately will get far more $$$

id say $3000 to 4000k for your 2 stroke


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/10/06

 Most dealers will trade, but

Fri, 2014-05-30 10:16

 Most dealers will trade, but price wont be great compared to private sale.

Posts: 5823

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 Have a go privately first,

Fri, 2014-05-30 13:04

 Have a go privately first, good market for someone who wants to move from a carby but hasnt much money.

And you'll buy better with a wallet full of folding stuff.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.