WAPOL Facebook had a vague story that the owner had come forward and provided an explanation for why the items were out there.
Personally, I write my number (or rego) on most of those sort of items, not only for this reason but also if they fall out on the road etc etc Especially lifejackets
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Good result
Good result
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
What was the result?
What was the result? (cant access facebook)
Rob H
Posts: 5821
Date Joined: 18/01/12
WAPOL Facebook had a vague
WAPOL Facebook had a vague story that the owner had come forward and provided an explanation for why the items were out there.
Personally, I write my number (or rego) on most of those sort of items, not only for this reason but also if they fall out on the road etc etc
Especially lifejackets
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
same rob put the boat rego
same rob
put the boat rego on with a black permanent marker on lifejackets and anything that may blow out or float loose
you never know when that may be the small difference in getting help or something returned back to you
or nadda
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
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Date Joined: 04/09/08
Rob H
Posts: 5821
Date Joined: 18/01/12
And not the least of these,
And not the least of these, ya frigging winch handles
I lost one (had my number on it) and while asking around the ramp someone gave me one they'd found and didnt need then got mine back a week later!
Now I have two
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 714
Date Joined: 27/11/15
That is a great point and one
That is a great point and one I haven't really given much thought to.
I will now be putting the boat rego on my gear and I guess it really wouldn't hurt putting it on anything that floats !
As been mentioned above, it could just be the one small thing that makes the difference in recieving help or not or a lost item returned
My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Sailing rules state that
Sailing rules state that anything not permanently fixed to the boat has the boats name on it. Seems logical.