Vhf radio
Submitted by Josh on Thu, 2014-02-20 11:46
G'day fellas
Thinkingof getting a Vhf radio for the boat, it did come with a 27mhz old radio, circa 2000, which does work. But is it better to put in a Vhf? I did a search on Vhf vs 27 mhz and it seems a little like the old etec vs 4 stroke debate, that's not what I'm after.
I am just looking for some advice based on experience about which Vhf to get, I'm thinking of leaving in the 27 and putting in a Vhf beside it. Is it worth upgrading the 27mhz to a more recent model?
Just wanting to be safe out there.
Also any Vhf / 27mhz to steer clear from? I did have a gme gx300 and it hardly worked at the best of times.
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
I run both 27 and vhf. Around perth I only use 27 and have long aerials so can pick up sea rescue out the back of direction bank no problems. I put the vhf in for some spots I regularly visit to the north that are remote and dont have a sea rescue that close but have VHF repeaters that are reachable in an emergency.
I would avoid GME if you want to hang onto it for a while it just doesnt seem to last or like water. I have Uniden but would also consider Icom has some good reviews just more expensive
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
VHF is the way to go, better clarity and range. As Rig said, there are repeaters all round the coats now and most if not all are monitored by sea rescue groups. To give an example, one of our radio ops here in Carnarvon was talking to Fremantle sea rescue on the channel 81 repeater on Rottnest while the 81 repeater up here is on Cape Cuvier.
When our 27 meg radios die we are not going to replace them as no one uses 27 meg up this way because of its lack of range.,
I have a Cobra brand, sea rescue here has GME, Uniden and Icom brands and haven't had any trouble with them,
Posts: 747
Date Joined: 17/03/09
Both radios
I agree with the comments above.
I had both radios in my boat mainly as a backup in case one packed up. I would have both radios on dual watch listening on emergency channels as well as ship to shore. Found 27mhz limited to around 15nm and have spoken to sea rescue groups up 100nm away on vhf
I was 20nm of Two Rock one day when I picked up a Mayday on 27.88mhz. Two Rocks did not hear it due to distance the vessel was offshore but I was able to relay details and they attended.
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Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
VHF all the way, 27mhz is off
VHF all the way, 27mhz is off limited use away from metro area.
Its a little unclear whether licencing for VHF operation is being enforced or not but if you go for a VHF please take the time to learn the correct protocol (if not doing the ROCP)
as there are so many gumbies on there at times its not funny-I dont mean people who dont know, its the ones who shout abuse when the Port Authority asks them to use a working channel, or just tape the mike down on CH16 and put it by the stereo
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.