WA Water Corp Waste Water (sewerage) Results 2019 Point Peron
The WA water Corp has just released their 2019 Annual Ploom summer water quality report, this is more of an overview with the detailed annual report for Point Peron (Sepia Basin) due later this month. So another year and it gets no better. The report shows that 40% of the sites sampled exceeded their threshold for Faeces Bacteria, 50% of their sites sampled exceeded Phosphate levels and 60% of sites tested exceeded their Nitrogen levels. (42%) of the surface samples exceeded the primary recreation contact guideline. Thermotolerant coliform concentrations at Sepia Depression exceeded the seafood consumption EQG in 32% surface and 18% of bottom samples. I will publish charts and greater detail when the Sepia Basin report is published and again bring it to the attention of our Premier and Minister for water. Any boaties in this group with a Gopro that they would be prepared to send down to film I would be interested in a message.
And for those that just think it is Point Peron, not much better for Ocean Reef or Swanbourne.
Tom M
Posts: 3929
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Pretty piss poor.
Pretty piss poor.
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 21/05/12
and we get these reports
and we get these reports after the fact- 40% sites exceeded shit levels
people happily fishing and swimming
pm sent
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
jeez.... not great!
jeez.... not great!
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Did the report mention how much
Meth amphetamine was in the samples if we are not poisoning the poor bloody fish then we are getting them drugged out of their minds.
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 21/05/12
but we cant get the pollies
but we cant get the pollies to support drug testing for dole bludgers -amazing
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
That’s shit
That’s shit
Posts: 309
Date Joined: 25/11/16
Very ironic that the rec
Very ironic that the rec fish have increased closed seasons and reduced bag limts the to protect crabs and snapper because recreational fishermen could harm the stocks! Yet industry pollution is left unchecked! Include in this the building of the outer harbour, what future dose our fisherie have?
Posts: 9528
Date Joined: 10/02/07
A shitty one
Yep their quick to put in take restrictions but not to deal with the shit.
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Bend over
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
What a load of crap,
What a load of crap, obviously its easier/cheaper for the government to do nothing than tackle the problem. Facilities cant keep up with the shit. I cant see shit levels decreasing anytime soon.
Good onya Tom thanks for keeping them honest.
Shark1 if the government allows drug testing society would implode!
Couldnt agree more livewire, I wonder if recfishwest really care about the local recreational fisherman/fisheries.
Bend over
Posts: 309
Date Joined: 25/11/16
Outer Harbour
Went to the public forum for the outer Harbour development this morning at the esplanarde hotel freo. I left feeling very worried about there proposed plans. It almost seems to be a forgone conclusion. The snapper guardians were represented, along with the boating and fishing communities. The Westport people put up statistics and supposed studies about the low impact on a already struggling environment. The outer harbour will need alot of dredging and reclaimed land, outer Rockwall and seclusion zones . Think about the way fisheried justified our new snapper bans and crab closures their arguments have in my oppinon some big holes in in. Government agendas at what cost? Fish for the future?
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
I feel very worried
About the future for Cockburn sound, the irreparable damage done to the weed beds in the sound by the cement industry and heavy industry has reduced the once great fishery to a shadow of it's former self and whilst acknowledging it has contributed a lot to employment it has also cost a lot in damage to the environment.
The further loss of sea grass meadows and the cover that they provide for breading sea life will be (imo) greatly noticed right across the spectrum of fishes etc which use the sea grass beds as a nursery.
My guess is the government looks at what employment opportunities will the proposed outer harbour provide being located in the sound as against the loss of a local fishery and which will create the most dollars for the state, the later will win most times. Sadely.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Desalination plant
Isn’t helping also. If causeway was designed different it would flush correctly. Needs to be bridge all the way.
Posts: 3929
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Reading the latest Westport
Reading the latest Westport report, 25 (questionable) 'scientists' disagree with you on the changes to the causeway!
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
The mussel farms have all but
The mussel farms have all but disappeared as well due to lack of nutrients. They support a huge amount of diverse marine life. Once the farmers go it will be the nail in the coffin
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Andrew forest bought them
I beleive. Could be wrong. I think they will stay. And expand? Who knows .