Wedge Island LB 24/09/10
Hi folks,
After seeing Wedge in perfect condition earlier this week decided to cruise up on Friday arvo for a bit of a fish hoping to catch a tailor for tea and get into some schoolies. I hit a spot about 7k north of the island that I had previously fished at and caught my one and only mulla almost 12 months ago to the day.
Unfortunately while the conditions were ideal, the weed was quite bad and made fishing hard work. The fish were on the bite however due to the weed I missed out. In fact, the only bite I felt all night was a solid tug on a scaly that took the fish and drag however failed to hook up. A shack owner stopped for a chat and he had caught a solitary tailor that night a few hundred metres away that he said went about 60cm. Whatever was chomping went through a whole bag of scalys without me getting a look in! In hindsight, I should have changed from circle hooks to gangs straight away but I guess that's another lesson in the book.
Wedge is one of those spots that you question whether the fish are there because the water is so shallow - but having a local tell me that I was in one of the best spots around certainly helps get my confidence up. It is certainly a beautiful spot.
For those heading up there for a beach fish - the beach south of the shacks has some nice gutters at the moment and looked this morning like they had a little less weed in them.
Also heard that a caravan park is being built there and that camping will eventually only be allowed within the caravan park grounds. Thats a real shame. Its sad to say only a matter of time before this special place is ruined by 'progress'.
Simmo Ryan
Posts: 112
Date Joined: 17/02/10
Damn you Progress....
Won't be long until the wave of beachside communities hits up that way
The fishing will be buggered forever!
FISH ON!!!!!!
Posts: 831
Date Joined: 31/08/10
was up there
last weekend on sunday and monday and pulled in 2 tailor just shy of 50cm and another size one...other mates pulled in a nice tailor and flathead. We were fishing a little south of the island.
Plumber and gas fitter- 0415489103