Wednesday Report
Went for a fish with Tapout today after favourable weather forecasts. Got to West End and decided to troll out wide with zippo result. Got wide and bottom bounced for a while as there were no schools on the sounder. First drop resulted in Tapout loosing 100m of braid snapping near the top. Back and around we went with the same thing happening to me. Not a good start. I had just enough braid left on to reach the bottom but had to feed out more line to stay there, another hookup and wham, remaining braid line gone. By this stage we'd taken a few showers and managed to land one 3kg skippy and drop a few, was a pretty average start to the day.
Should have stayed in close and then gone wide, sigh!
In closer we managed to get into a few blackass, fox fish, bakers, wrasse etc. Tapout also got a nice 48cm pinky and released a just undersize dhuie. I pulled up a fair few solid sea sweep and a dhuie which went 55cm to save what was a very frustrating day.
I didnt take any photos as I didn't think the fish that we got were very worthy. I had been thinking all day that I must have broken a fish god curse by almost blanking out 3 trips in a row. It was only for a very unlucky dhufish that swallowed my plastic grub on my top hook whilst I wasnt paying any attention that saved my day. Oh well, got a feed atleast, just not very productive again, guess thats fishing thou!
Also, the FADS are deployed and the tuna schools have arrived, well, atleast one good size school from what I've heard but unsure if they were blues or yellow.
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Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Busted up
The only thing that busted us up was the structure. The drift must have made us hit it from a bad angle, wasn't a good start and it was a bit uncomfortable out there until after lunch. There were a few squalls and a bit of rain early, even tried to water spout at one stage.
I really should have taken a few photo's of the fish we got, just wanted to get back in there and catch something of size.
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Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
so even the super fresh
so even the super fresh mulies didnt help hey ads? ah well, ive done alot worse than that!
Posts: 885
Date Joined: 27/01/06
We didnt seem to have any
We didnt seem to have any luck until I busted out the lucky cheezles. We had caught one fish and lost all our braid, Then the cheezles came out and we go 1 snapper, 2 Dhuies,3 blackass,2 sea sweep,1 fox fish, and some good hookups. See theres something about those cheezles.
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 17/05/06
Adam Wrote
"Also, the FADS are deployed and the tuna schools have arrived"
Where is the best place to get the wgs84 coords of the FADS for 2007/07. Ive never been out to them in previous years but if the weather gods are kind i would like to have a crack at them this season. Maybe a "tag along" could be organised for those of us with smaller boats.(safety in numbers)
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Hey Foz
I will see if I can't get the latest co-ords and put them up.
As for a day out in numbers I think that is a great idea, but it will definately take some organising as it will need to be an extremely flat day, depending upon the size of boats and fuel range capacity.
Just to get a gauge of interest, who would be keen for a "tag along" fads/wide mission?
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Posts: 885
Date Joined: 27/01/06
You dont have to tell me
You dont have to tell me twice, Im keen.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Furuno-----------31 ° 57.50’ S 115 ° 15.20’ E Depth approx. 140m
Club Marine------32 ° 03.20’ S 115 ° 19.50’ E Depth approx. 104m
FremantleSC------32 ° 05.00’ S 115 ° 11.00’ E Depth approx. 219m
HillarysYC-------31 ° 54.50’ S 115 ° 12.00’ E Depth approx. 173m
Yamaha-----------32 ° 08.50’ S 115 ° 10.50’ E Depth approx. 182m
PGFC-------------32 ° 00.00’ S 115 ° 13.50’ E Depth approx. 188m
These should be the correct co-ords for the fads this season. I will try and double check them from people in the know.
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jonya masel
Posts: 133
Date Joined: 25/08/06
yeh adam the exact points
yeh adam the exact points are in hot bite magazine and if your a member of pgfc they send them to u