Weekend Fishing 26th-27th

Friday until midnight:  S'ly winds 15/20 knots increasing to S'ly 20/25 knots during the afternoon, reaching 25/30 knots offshore. Winds shifting SE'ly at similar strength early evening. Seas rising to 2.0m. Swell to 1.5m.
Swell at Cottesloe:  0.6m.
Winds on Melville Water:  up to 5 knots lighter in the afternoon.

Saturday:  SE/E winds 20/30 knots, easing to E'ly 18/23 knots late morning. Seas to 2.0m offshore, easing. Swell rising to 2.0m.

Sunday:  E/NE winds 15/20 knots tending W/NW 15/20 knots in the afternoon.

Doesn't look like a special weekend on the water.. I think we are planning to go out sunday morning and look for some abalone and go for a few tailor at Mewstones..  Maybe a KG bash on the edge of the 5 fathom if the easterly permits..

If you manage to get out this weekend, best of luck.. Let us know how you go!


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Posts: 1556

Date Joined: 07/08/05

hoping to go jigging ,

Fri, 2005-11-25 19:41

hoping to go jigging , fingers crossed , on sunday. Will report back on sunday night .

Maybe go for a flick in the river tomorow, if i can find someone else game enough to go with me to the river with graphite rods and chuck lures *cough*come on adam*cough*

SHizz's picture

Posts: 1556

Date Joined: 07/08/05

   Managed 8

Sat, 2005-11-26 13:58

 Managed 8 for the 2 and a bit hour sesh on softies, snap backs doing most damage. Tried one spot but was too windy so fished around burswood/causeway and it managed to turn into quite a good seshion. Fish ranged from just over legal to about 37cm.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Sun, 2005-11-27 16:53

Good catch there Shizz.. Sounds like it was worthwhile!  I suffered from a great hangover, but it was worth it.. :)


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Ouch, just got back from

Sun, 2005-11-27 16:57

Ouch, just got back from jigging.Boy and i sore, ill post a report in the morning. To sum up, every drop you could get one. Biggest fish landed was 43kg.


Adam Gallash's picture

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Sun, 2005-11-27 20:30

Now someone must be hurting.. What was your biggest shizz?


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bout 30-35

Mon, 2005-11-28 18:37

bout 30-35

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Mon, 2005-11-28 18:40

we fished south of rotto in 45-50m  and got a jewie  2 queenies and a heap of other shit   were we yous fishing?  rough as guts until about 10 when it calmed off.

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north side on barges

Mon, 2005-11-28 20:57

north side on barges

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Tue, 2005-11-29 20:28

So what was the end tally then shizza?

Sounds like a magic day out!

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Nice one

Wed, 2005-11-30 06:09

So the sambos are finally firing off the barges hey? Well if I ever stop damn well working I might have a chance to get out there, until then my boat will gather dust and Ill just have to read how much fun everyone else is having.

So what gear were you using SHizz and how was it with the 400 other people trying to do the same?

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Ok well here goes. 3 days

Wed, 2005-11-30 09:01

Ok well here goes. 3 days later im still aching. 

Weather - We got out there and it was rough at guts but luckily glassed off at around 11 to a nice calm day.

First drop hooked a sambo after a few seconds from the bottom, fought this BIG fish for a while got it within 20 meters of the boat then dropped it, literally 1.5 seconds later another fish(obviously following took it ) and ran me back down to the bottom(110m). After yet another painful fight i got it close to surface only for it to pull again.....bugger. So i drop down and hook a small one around 10kg and winch him up. Thankyou stella 20000. So to sum up, 3 fish fights in the one.

Then the rest of the day you couldnt miss, every jig i got one. I landed 5 for the half day jigging, not including 1 i lost at the boat(holding my rod waiting for deckie, ripped through its lip) and hooked at least 10 others. Biggest fish was 30-35kg.

Other guys did had similar results with on our boat- 37 fish tagged and released, plus 3 small ones kept(under 5kg fish, yes, they take big jigs too ), 1 x 15kg amberjack , and we went for a bottom bash for an hour and a bit after jigging and all managed a pinky or 2 around the 3-5kg mark.

Good day out. 

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Wed, 2005-11-30 09:17

Can't wait to get out there.. That sounds gold!!!

Also heard on good authority that the dollies are between 2.5kg and 5kg, but are pretty finicky with lures at the moment and livies are the key.. So can't wait to get fishing!! I'm already starting to pray for some nice weekend weather.

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Posts: 1556

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dollies? ive never caught

Wed, 2005-11-30 22:23

dollies? ive never caught one, i who's gonna take me out to chase some *wink wink nudge nudge*

Posts: 110

Date Joined: 03/10/05


Thu, 2005-12-01 09:40

Apparently the PGFC has already gone missing!!

Might be able to get you a spot shizza, depends how many punters we have.. pretty sure there aint going to be too many of the boys that are going to miss out, especially seeing as we have new outriggers and will have a new engine next week.. oh yes..