West coast give it away again

 We play all the top teams and loose it at the end. Disappointing


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Sat, 2014-05-24 17:51

What do you expect, even one of the top commentators called then Flat Track runners, they have nothing to show against teams above them on the ladder and he also called Shuey a down hill skier, not willing to get in and under for the hard ball

lachieH's picture

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 Shuey didn't have the worst

Sun, 2014-05-25 20:29

 Shuey had the worst game yesterday but I believe he should be given a chance. I think that west coast need to drop two players. 1st is Gaff because he is scared of the ball and it showes. He does mess up perfect opportunities and needs to work on that at training. It is fixable though. The good thing about him, though, is that he is fast and agile.

the 2nd person is natanui. He has not been performing this season. Average of about 5 possessions. Yesterday he put in a better effort (I think because of his new contract) but still wasn't great. He needs fo be put in the WAFL for a couple of weeks to gain confidence and then put back in the AFL.



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Sea Hunter's picture

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Sat, 2014-05-24 17:57

 good for my tips. Too bad for WA. 

big john's picture

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Sat, 2014-05-24 18:30

Just had a look at the fixture, not much blue sky ahead for the Eagles.


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Dale's picture

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Sat, 2014-05-24 18:49

 Wet toast have picked all the low hanging fruit, now they have to work to get some more.




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i thought

Sat, 2014-05-24 19:06

I thought it was a fantastic game good old style footy end to end stuff , not like we get usually these day which is more like a rolling maul in a rugby match

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 If you think about it, west

Sun, 2014-05-25 08:19

 If you think about it, west coast have put up a fight to the top teams and havn't been thrashed this year. They have been winning up until 3 quarter time and then lost the game. We lost to port Adelaide by about 18 points and hawthorn did aswell.


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MattMiller's picture

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short memory?

Sun, 2014-05-25 08:29

 forgotten about round 4 already?

lachieH's picture

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No short memory

Sun, 2014-05-25 20:56

 I got a 13 year old memory lol


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 Would that have been rnd 4 v

Sun, 2014-05-25 19:08

 Would that have been rnd 4 v geelong?  Perhaps only thinking about the first quarter and not the last three when the eagle's didn't kick a goal....


Fish! HARD!

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 Yeah my memory is coming

Sun, 2014-05-25 20:28

 Yeah my memory is coming back now lol. West coast were losing by about 2 points at quater time and were looking like they were going to put up a good fight. Then they just didn't have the will to win and lost.


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 ha ha ha ....dig all you

Sun, 2014-05-25 20:34

 ha ha ha ....dig all you want , im looking forward to watching rossy lyon run away form you boys in a season or two when you constatntly fail in your finals campaigns..........like the shockers always have ;)

in terms of the eagles....

If you have any footy knowledge you would say Gaff was actuelly alot better yesterday then he has been all year, LachieH not having a personal dig at you buddy, but your just going off what commentary have said of gaff recently in the last 6 weeks, Yesterday he actually went hard at the contest , won a few one on one battles and looks far more improoved. Keep it going gaffy

You cant drop Nic Nat after having his best game of the season & 17 dispoals...... who would you bring in please? lycett or sinclair?

if anything they should be grilling the forward line. JK was disgraceful yesterday. full stop 


you can actuelly see  improovements week by week off simpsons game plan, and its going to take time. the boys do seriously lack some polish or class around the midfield and hopefully that can be improoved.





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 acutelly i shouldnt say

Sun, 2014-05-25 20:35

 acutelly i shouldnt say finals campaigns like freo plays serious finals regulary......well over 15 years on and still starged of sucess.


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 Firstly I am not going off

Sun, 2014-05-25 21:42

No offence taken

Firstly I am not going off commentry at all. I am going off the general public. Footy team, family members and friends. I do not study reports and listen to 6PR all weekend.

Secondly, Gaff is improving but he still needs to perfect the smaller things aswell. Like kicking the ball to the appropriate contest or player. He is much improved on last year but still has a bit to go.

As a contradiction of my first point, I did read somewhere that Adam Simpson said that he cannot drop Nic Nat because he is a people person and needs to play each week. I cannot remember where I read this sorry. I think that Callum Sinclair has been great for the team he is always going 200% for the ball and never stops trying. He is being consistent and getting some great disposals for the team. I think it is unfair that he is dropped regularly.

But your last point is great. Adam Simpson is making the team improve each week. I can see the eagles making finals next year. Not this year, though, because we have had a bad start to the year and are loosing the majour games that we need to win.

You have made some valid points terboz.





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Hey Terboz

Sun, 2014-05-25 21:05

 Lyin won't run away...They'll sack him with no notice - after they've white anted another club and signed up another contracted coach. 

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Sun, 2014-05-25 21:08



Love the West!

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 Spot on

Sun, 2014-05-25 21:18

 Spot on


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Sun, 2014-05-25 21:40

 Yeah, yeah, yeah, what ever you reckon fellas, ever stopped to see why Worsfold jumped off? I believe we are seeing why now. And Nic Not was and is, very ordinary to say the least. Does nothing that's really going to hurt the opposition sides.




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Sun, 2014-05-25 21:50

 Gumby LOL

Sylvia LOL 

White line Johnson ....

shit, this list could go forever.

mmmm wonder why Fyfe hasn't sorted his contract yet? He might have just worked out what the future has in store for him , with the crabs.

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 You mean last years all

Sun, 2014-05-25 21:57

 You mean last years all Australian Johnson? Won't worry about those other guys until we can get them on the paddock and have a squiz at them.  And you wet toast supporters should know better than slinging off about someone's previous drug possession conviction too.




"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

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Mon, 2014-05-26 07:32



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Wow you wet toast Meth mob are jealous

Sun, 2014-05-25 21:36

 And its been a while since i have read such shit.

 Gaff is a small non going crab who will never be any good.

 Shoo-ee is another small weak nony who will never be any good

  Heres some free advice...sack most of the side and the coach and start again..Bwhahahahaha

 Bottom 4 here you come LOL

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 Ok we will see what happens

Sun, 2014-05-25 21:43

 Ok we will see what happens in the next couple of years then. Nice to hear everyone's opinions no matter how biast they are. But Freo are currently better than west coast but are going down hill each week and west coast are rising with Simpson.


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Sun, 2014-05-25 22:03

 Umm, what games have you been watching lachie? I mean wet toast are on the up and Freo are on the way down? Your not quite up to speed with this season mate.


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 I you have been paying

Mon, 2014-05-26 07:35

 I you have been paying attention to the games, west coast last year seemed like they didn't want to win anything. They lost the will. this season they are slowly gaining confidence again. I am not saying they will make the finals because I don't think they will.

Freo have been loosing games that they should be winning. They played in the grand final last year and lost. Then this year they have been loosing games that last year they would have won


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 haha dale.....make a mockery

Sun, 2014-05-25 22:18

 haha dale.....make a mockery all you want off the middle 2000's  at least we won a flag ;) and please dont say that premiership should be taken off us, before hearing your points how methamphetmine is considered a performance enhancing, it is far from performing enhanving.....you all can say s*** when we bring up your "premiership's you have won" ...or any sucess you have had which is 0. There is only one premier each year the other 17 teams....are all the same finals or not, you dont win squat for comming second....

yes freo are playing good footy and on the field off the field you will alway be second fiddle to the bigger brother of the west. enough said. We will be back, and then we will be laughing at the shockers demise after pav goes (you have 0 key forwards from then on & sandi...)..till then enjoy wasting your energy watching the shockers let you down yesr after year.

as i said, the Eagles will win a flag before the dockers do. Dont see the dockers making the GF this year..




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Mon, 2014-05-26 07:37



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we really need

Sun, 2014-05-25 22:31

 a like button in here ^^^ 

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Yep Lachie ask your mum

Sun, 2014-05-25 23:20

 if you can stay up to watch the mighty Fremantle Football Club go on a wining streak of 8 or 9 games starting with the Cats last week. um how would the weegirls go against the Cats HaHa

 This run should get us into the top 3 or 4... unfortunaly don't bother with your no go nonies for... well basically the remainder of the season cause wet toast may not win again. LOL

That reminds me..when was their last win ?? Um I dunno forgotten it was that far back but is was one of the bottom sides cause the no go crabs haven't beaten anyone above 13th place HaHaHa


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 If you think my mum won't

Mon, 2014-05-26 07:49

 If you think my mum won't let me stay up until 8:30 when the latest footy matches finish, then your parents must have sheltered you a lot when you were 13...

Everyone is thinking that I am saying West Coast is better than the Shockers. They currently aren't . I'm thinking freo finish 5th or 6th, I think that you are dreaming Out Wide.

This reminds me, when was Freo's last Grand Final? Oh um... NEVER. West coast will always be Freo's big brother as Terboz said. Right now I think that Gold Coast will win a premiership before the Shockers.


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 lol freos last grand final

Mon, 2014-05-26 18:30

 lol freos last grand final was last year (2013)

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 ""This reminds me, when was

Mon, 2014-05-26 18:46

 ""This reminds me, when was Freo's last Grand Final? Oh um... NEVER"


lol...do you even footy? 

terboz123's picture

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 Wah wag all you shockers are

Mon, 2014-05-26 10:18

 Wah wag all you shockers are the same, you have hope and that's all you will ever have. After neally 20 years in the afl you are only now getting the respect of the other afl clubs.  20 years ..... Enough said. How long did it take us?


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Mon, 2014-05-26 11:27

 Typical wet toasters, living in the past as always. We won a flag, what have you done, gee, I live for the now and tomorrow, can't keep hanging my hat on victories in the past. 




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 Hahahahahahaha dale you have

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:23

 Hahahahahahaha dale you have just contradicted yourself..

you brought up the mid 2000s , not me! You goose! I never brought it up... Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha typical docker supporter not even knowing what he wrote in previous posts. Point disregarded.


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Trophy case

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:00

Not a Dockers supporter, but the Eagles have only won one flag since the dockers entered the competition so that makes them only one better than Melbourne, the Bulldogs, the Dockers and so on, not something that I would get on a high horse and crow about.

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 And how any other teams have

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:21

 And how any other teams have multiple flags? ... I think there is 2 out of 18. Point disregarded 


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 Premiers since 2005 geelong

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:30

 Premiers since 2005


geelong 3, hawthorn 2, Sydney 2 , collingwood 1 , west coast one. ...... That's 5 teams out of the entire league since 2005. Enough said.


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Mon, 2014-05-26 15:45

as a Hawthorn supporter can I say Wet Toast are shit?

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 Do what you please

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:51

 Do what you please Matty...... The mighty eagles will be back. You all just watch we arnt one if the most successful clubs in AFL history for no reason


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gonna take a while

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:59

smily face


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Mon, 2014-05-26 16:02

Hawthorn - only team in the AFL to win premierships in all of the last 6 decades, enough said

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Mon, 2014-05-26 17:59



 a hard days fishing still beats work

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haha Terboz

Mon, 2014-05-26 18:08

 youve seen Carnarvonite and raised him on his explosive claims re numbers of premierships

[breaking news - the hutchings football news breaker of fishwrecked LOL) and he's disappeared

, no where to be seen as  usual. Think he may be Joffa in disguise 


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Mon, 2014-05-26 18:20

To be fair though, we have seen photo's of his good self. You must be fishwrecked's local dentist Paully. LOL


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Its Ok

Tue, 2014-05-27 06:31

Its ok John, been going for Collingwood before Paully was in his Dad's bag and not about to change not like most of the Eagle supporters who deserted other teams to be "patriotic", pathetic I'd call it.

sea-kem's picture

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 Hmmm ok if you say so, I was

Tue, 2014-05-27 06:47

 Hmmm ok if you say so, I was and still are an East Perth supporter before the Eagles came along. Good to see you're a long time supporter of local football . And btw the only people who deserted a club are probably 50% of the Dorkers supporters who left the Eagles to support that crab side.


Love the West!

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South Fremantle

Tue, 2014-05-27 07:44

I follow South Fremantle, have done from the time I was playing in the under 15s for Carey Park in Bunbury so one cannot say I haven't supported a local side.

Willlo's picture

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 So that explains it , deep

Tue, 2014-05-27 10:48

 So that explains it , deep down your really a Nanny Goat LOL. I would put The collywobblers and the carey park goats on par.


 Call Sign - BZ785

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Same year

Tue, 2014-05-27 11:36

Was playing juniors the same year they got the Billy Goats nickname, league team got in to the final 4 by the equivalent of one point, won the first semi by a point, preliminary by a point and the grand final by a point. The same year they won everything except the under 15s and we lost the grand final by a point.

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It was the black ducks for me - not a VFL team

Tue, 2014-05-27 21:11

 spot on re docker fans SK.

uncle's picture

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what's with simo

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:58

 Pies on the ropes two players gone and he doesn't use the sub till late in the game,fresh legs may have got the job done!!


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 Unfortunately uncle

Mon, 2014-05-26 16:15

 Unfortunately uncle Hutchings is not a sub worthy player... No speed, can't impact a game within 20 mins of football . 


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so is that all your've got, I rest my case

Mon, 2014-05-26 16:48

surely theres others,whos the guy that went back to adeliade and is burning for port. brad ebert isn't it,wheres dom sheed?


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 all i got?  er....once again

Mon, 2014-05-26 16:53

 all i got?  er....once again blinded by your distaste for WC, i was actuelly saying it was poor selection by the west coast match committe, that is all. wasnt using as a excuse, never blamed the umpires. The better team won on the day uncle........

but dont you worry i can only see collingwood going in one direction on the ladder and in the comming years that is not up....


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 again your lack of football

Mon, 2014-05-26 16:56

 again your lack of football knowledge, dom sheed as a sub? no no no!  a sub is a player who can impact a game with the run and carry or only need 5 or 6 possessions to turn a game on his side, not a young kind that seems some what slow......IMO schofield is WC best sub player ATM, even though his lack of kicking skill can be a let down, his run and willingness to take the game on....but hey im not on the WC coaching stuff,


err....focus on your own team sunshine. you really have no idea about WC nor its players.


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I know some arn't smart enough

Mon, 2014-05-26 17:18

to wear mouth guards or do silly head high charges and get themselves suspended while their team needs them ,or to pick a coach who doesn't pick a good sub ha ha


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Mon, 2014-05-26 17:31

Basically WC don't have a sub at all. Hang on, what about Josh Hill!


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Mon, 2014-05-26 17:37

Hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha if that was one of the pies mate, he's be causing fits being all dhramatic , give the kid a break , he made a silly decision to not wear protection, but hey he still got back and took it your boys like nothing happened... Give credit where credit is due.


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Mon, 2014-05-26 17:41

err.... you really have no idea about Collingwood nor its players.


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Mon, 2014-05-26 17:50

 I certainly couldn't see you on the coaching staff either. There or anywhere else. Same says for me. I played a lot of footy in my day, but at 53, I'm a Broken down old hack. I do remain a student of the game and I do have some pretty good credentials.




"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

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Game was lost again

Mon, 2014-05-26 08:14

But at least they played with heart until the last half of 4th Q.

The much vaunted centreline of Collie's was dominated by the maligned centre's of the WC. Forward's cost us. Almost double the 50 entries than collingwood and we lost???

Something is wrong with that stat and we wont go anywhere if we cant convert that into a "V".


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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gotta love wa media

Mon, 2014-05-26 11:15

yesterday haggers made the big point that umpies favour the home sides, some guy rang thru and reminded him that the pies and port both got less free kicks,[idiot] then the mighty M Thompson has a go at Jack Riewould for over celebrating kicking 11 goals against GWS, ohh hang on wasn't kennerdy the crab the best full forward in the comp when he got 11 against GWS, showed his worth on sat.


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Choke LOL

Mon, 2014-05-26 18:18

 Auskick, he's on his way 

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 Since when have the eagle's

Mon, 2014-05-26 15:59

 Since when have the eagle's been freo's big brother 'and always will be'.....  what a typical arrogant (or ignorant) statement, typical of an eagles suppprter.  Reinforced by the eagles' own twitter statement before the last derby.... "this is own town, this is our derby"....   and they then got beaten.

Now what is the current derby count?   I think freo are about 4 behind?  And at current rate that will be gone by the first derby of 2016.  In regards to premierships, there is more likelihood that the dockers will win two before the eagles win another.  Eagles supporters should really accept that this is not a town owned or controlled by them.  Their dominance ended about 6 years ago.


Fish! HARD!

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Eagle boys

Mon, 2014-05-26 16:06

There's a bet worth making, 2 to 1 and their best player might not even be there next season.

Fyfe to the Westpac Centre for Ben Hudson and our first two picks is the word on the street.



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 Any talk of fyfe going

Mon, 2014-05-26 17:20

 Any talk of fyfe going anywhere, is bullshit.  He's staying put.  


Fish! HARD!

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Mon, 2014-05-26 17:27

Sound's like he's holding the club to ransom and stalling dad's armies new deals.


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 What about David mundy doing

Mon, 2014-05-26 18:01

 What about David mundy doing the same thing, oh hang on mundy always leaves his contract to the end of the season.  If you were nat fyfe  would you be happy you're value is increasing with every game you play?  Why wouldn't you wait until seasons end.  It's more about salary cap and how much freo can afford.  And by all accounts that's not an issue.


Fish! HARD!

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Mon, 2014-05-26 18:05

Mundy is nearly done, this will likely be his last long term contract. Mundy won't command anywhere near the dollars Fyfe would on the open market.


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Id consider that bet for sure

Mon, 2014-05-26 18:27

 easidst money ever - he'd dissapear back to steep point though, where no one could ring him.

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 Ooooooooh someone got their

Mon, 2014-05-26 18:35

 Ooooooooh someone got their hackles up. Hit a nerve did they Ranadall, the truth nerve perhaps. And I'd love to know when those flags are coming for your bunch of crabs, it certainly won't be this year.


Love the West!

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 Ok, you honestly think west

Mon, 2014-05-26 19:11

 Ok, you honestly think west are going to play in, and win a grand final before freo play in and win a grand final.  I'll put my money on freo doing that before wc.  Then, since freo have entered the comp, both teams woIldefonso have played in two gf's and won one each.  The derby count will be even or in freos favour and the argument will be over.  You can say want you want about freos performance to date so far this year....  talk again in nine weeks when freo have won ten in a row and sitting at 15 - 4 and probably top 4, pressing for a top two finish and less travel during the finals.

Let's talk then ok?


Fish! HARD!

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Mon, 2014-05-26 19:16

Didn't you say Freo would win two flags before WC win one?

Ten in a row, footy can be a funny game Randall, I wouldn't be pencilling them all in just yet.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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 Ha ha ok will do, after

Mon, 2014-05-26 19:17

 Ha ha ok will do, after you've woken up from your fantasy. BTW what's woIldefonso? Fonzy?


Love the West!

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 My fat fingers dealing with

Mon, 2014-05-26 19:20

 My fat fingers dealing with auto spell check...


Fish! HARD!

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 there is no way freo knocks

Mon, 2014-05-26 19:47

 there is no way freo knocks off either PORT or HAW for top 2....not a chance in hell. your dreaming randall.


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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Happy to quote you on that

Mon, 2014-05-26 19:57

Happy to quote you on that come september.  Any of the following team will fill top two....  Port, hawks, Sydney, freo, geelong and I'll even throw in gold coast....  I am going with freo to have one of those spots...


Fish! HARD!

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 quote me all you want mate,

Mon, 2014-05-26 20:08

 quote me all you want mate, there is no way in hell you will make top 2. You cant afford to loose a single game from hear on out to be guarenteed top 4!!!!!!!!!! there is just 0 chance, and this is comming from some one who supports a team probaly not going to make the finals, and dont get me wrong i barrack for all NON VIC teams in the finals to shove it up the VICS ass's!




 a hard days fishing still beats work

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 And I only support one team.

Mon, 2014-05-26 20:20

 And I only support one team.  Full stop.  


Fish! HARD!

terboz123's picture

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 a team that has 0% chance at

Mon, 2014-05-26 20:46

 a team that has 0% chance at top 2!!!!


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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 Sorry don't subscribe to

Mon, 2014-05-26 20:56

 Sorry don't subscribe to that.  Four losses will always be a chance of top two....


Fish! HARD!

terboz123's picture

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 and your not going to a

Mon, 2014-05-26 21:06

 and your not going to a loose a a single game from hear on out? ha my ass you wont loose at least a game!






V WC 50/50 all derbys are 50/50 contests at the start, form is irrelvant IMO.





V GEEL LOSS - they will be out for revenge from that pre lim loss.

V HAW LOSS - regardless where it is (pretty sure its PS) they will teach you a lesson once again.


V PA - cracking last game, if form is what is right now LOSS


there is at least 4 games there that are definately loosable, in fact you would have to think freo will loose at least won. by by top 2


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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 And they are four games that

Mon, 2014-05-26 21:18

 And they are four games that are definitely winable.  Most of all the derby.  Second of all, geelong at Simmond's is not a fear for us.  Hawthorn and port at pattesons, absolutely winable!  Your argument has in fact made me more confident of a top two finish because I actually had no idea of our remaining games after the next nine.  But now I know...  and I am more confident :) thanks.


Fish! HARD!

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 hahaha i look forward to

Mon, 2014-05-26 21:22

 hahaha i look forward to reminding you of this come late august randall! adios amigios 5 hours to i gotta get up and chase some blues!


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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 You really are in fairy land

Mon, 2014-05-26 21:26

 You really are in fairy land Randall, do you seriously believe with your current form you will win all those game? Seriously? 


Love the West!

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Mon, 2014-05-26 21:29

and go undefeated through the finals with Fyfe winning the Norm Smith and Pav kicking 8 in the GF to seal a 50 point victory!


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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 It's OK to dream 

Tue, 2014-05-27 06:21

 It's OK to dream 


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Dale's picture

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 I don't think we will land

Tue, 2014-05-27 10:05

 I don't think we will land the 2nd spot, but 3rd can almost be pencilled in.




"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



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they wont get all those wins

Mon, 2014-05-26 22:25

 youve penned in  there Terboz.