What do you do if you see/hear of something illegal fishing wise

After the Bloke trying to sell his squid I thought what do we do. Someone posted saying should we notify him?

The question I thought was simple -- Yes. But then are we helping him escape the law, and he might have sold some.

I have to admit that I (and the Mrs who was a VFLO -- Yellow shirt) were never short of telling someone at the Cut that what they were doing, keeping was illegal. More often to be greeted by some string of X Rated banter about "minding your own business". The fairly loud conversation to Darren Schofield (X fisheries mandurah, now Rocho based I think)on the Mobile sson had most scurrying to leave or throw u/size tailor back, again with a string of XXXX. But once a big Italian ladd wanted to take it further, and try and beat the living crap out of me. I played state Rugby years ago, but I am no "brick dunny" and if it wasnt for other fishos around to the rescue I probably would have been pulverised.

I still would and do the same. Up here I see a lot less rape and pillage than previous.

The question is what should we do, and what do we do?

Perhaps as a responsible fishing community we can lead in some way to educate etc.

Just interested.



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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Fishwatch number is 1800 815

Mon, 2011-08-08 14:13

Fishwatch number is 1800 815 507. Good one to keep in the mobile.


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Depending on the size of the

Mon, 2011-08-08 14:19

Depending on the size of the individual and the group, I usually approach them and warn them what they are doing is wrong. After that its usually obvious if they are truly ignorant or not. If they continue and  the group is not full of huge blokes with knives I would normally get more aggressive and tell them where to stick it, sometimes they pack up and leave. If it's really obvious that they are either 1) Able to beat the shit out of me or 2) Blatantly breaking laws (. Ie netting in the swan in the pitch black) I just ring the number above and let them sort it. I think the more offenders feel the shame the less they will do it.

crasny1's picture

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Aware of the fishwatch number

Mon, 2011-08-08 14:51

And I think we should all have that programmed in, but I usually have a local contact. Up here I have 2 mobiles to call.



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Pezdog's picture

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It's a tough one. Few months

Mon, 2011-08-08 15:03

It's a tough one.

Few months back I was in Busso with my Brother in law and we saw a bloke crabbing from the small jetty adjacent to the big Busso Jetty. We were about 50m away and he hauled in a crab pot with a couple in them. The brother in law was sure they weren't legal and being so far away we went and investigated. As soon as we got close he put a hesian bag over his bucket.

I asked if he was having any luck and he said no. I could see a claw poking through the hesian bag and asked how many he had. He replied with "Ah mate just a couple been pretty quiet" I picked up the hesian and he had 4 and these things were tiny. You would need 50 for a feed! So I asked him if they were legal (knowing full well they weren't) he replied "yeah mate just scrape in size". I said to him "good mate, make sure you have checked them cause fisheries just pulled up over there and they are checking everyones catches and usually make there way to this jetty". As soon as I said it he checked his catch with a VB can and through them all back.

Fisheries were no where to be seen and I was just pulling his chain but got the desired result. After all this he thanked me for letting him know fisheries were there and went back to crabbing. Might have been better to call it in but he may have left by then so I was happy to see 4 very small crabs swim away.

Not sure of the solution for this issue but just saying fisheries is close by has worked a couple times and they always put them back.




Lastchance's picture

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Good work Pezdog. The best

Mon, 2011-08-08 16:02

Good work Pezdog. The best initial approach by far is the one you describe. Most wrong doers know they are breaking the law and they need a 'reminder' to get them to snap out of it. And Crasny1, the hardest thing in life is to stand up for what you believe in regardless of situation or if you can physically back it up! Well done. Dont think about the old 'the bigger they are the harder they fall' crap, I look at it as no-one drag races a truck! Get a cheap one in and get out of there!

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Tell them they are breaking

Mon, 2011-08-08 17:10

Tell them they are breaking the law, if they ignore you or get smart answers, I just take out my camera and take some photos.  Has worked in the past.

snappermiles's picture

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i fished the old safety bay jetty alot before it was removed

Mon, 2011-08-08 17:27

we caught alot of herring and kg there although most the kg's were undersize there was a chinese bloke who would come down every day and fill his bucket with them we called fishwatch warned him but still he took his bucketfull home till one day i had enough he turned up and i warned him if he took one undersize fish i would throw his gear in! i was only 15 at the time so he laughed and started catching kg after the first five i walked up threw his bucket and tackle box into the water and told him too leave! the next day he turned up with two mates but lucky enough there was ten of us there that day so he left!



aussie_breamer's picture

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Mon, 2011-08-08 17:48



bream slayer



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Mon, 2011-08-08 18:09

is the only answer for these villains that take excess or undersize. If one wishes to take , get to know the regulations.

Warnings do EFF all but make them wiser.

Ringy35's picture

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Date Joined: 30/04/11

good form!!

Mon, 2011-08-08 18:08


crasny1's picture

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Im thinking about bigger things

Mon, 2011-08-08 18:27

Although I see that most have had similar experiences.

Im was more thinking along the line off what can we as a responsible fishing community like Fishwrecked do with this. Perhaps that might show the "sea kitten" huggers and greenies that we just dont rape and pillage as they might believe.



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Daisy's picture

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Yep dob 'em in straight up.A

Mon, 2011-08-08 19:17

Yep dob 'em in straight up.

A bit of rape and pillage is fine as long as it's consensual (you know role playing and all that) and has nothing to do with fish stocks:-P


The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P

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 fishwatch with the car rego

Mon, 2011-08-08 22:21

 fishwatch with the car rego after observing them or taking a photo without them knowing.

rusty69's picture

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I have the fisheries on speed

Tue, 2011-08-09 05:23

I have the fisheries on speed dial i am very ozzie and wouldnt dob on any 1 except these pricks, I think the fines should be 10 fold this will deter most. Repeat offenders should be band from going near the water and jailed if they do. we have 1 of the best fisheries in the world lets keep it that way.