What Have You Been Bitten/Stung By?

Just wondering what everyone has been bitten/stung by?

My list to date:

1) Bitten by king brown snake.
2) Bitten by horse.
3) Stung by bumble bees (England)
4) Stung by teranchula wasp.
5) Bitten by wobigong.
6) Stung by stingray.
7) Bitten by grasshoppers.
8) Bitten by blowies.

Oh! and

9) Stung by two ex wives  


Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

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Stung by -

Mon, 2007-12-31 16:27

Stung by - the ex wives - they hurt more and are much more venemous that the King Brown


**** RECFISHWEST No. 576 ****


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Not a lot compared to

Mon, 2007-12-31 16:35

Not a lot compared to Dreamweaver! Didn't know grasshoppers could bite!

1 Bluebottle jellyfish
2 Sting Ray
3 Tailor
4 Blue Tongue Lizard

Andy Mac's picture

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Worst for me was...

Mon, 2007-12-31 17:03

Happy Moments fish.

Up at Quobba a few years back, ran out of bait and decided to fillet one, knife and grip slipped and I spined myself.

For 5 minutes the delerious bit set in before the hours of absolute agony. I was literally dancing on the rocks singing trying to keep my mind off the pain. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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I hear ya Andy

Mon, 2007-12-31 17:21

Vicious little buggers aren't they

List is long for me - Blue Bottles (monster ants), Dogs (2), Horses (God only knows how many times), jack jumpers (more ants) spiders (enough to make me kill them on site) sea urchins (feet full) wasps, bees hornets (one of the buggers 7 times before I could get it), midgies, fish, yadda yadda.........BUT, by far the worst sting of all, is the one from my Mother-In-Laws tongue!! 

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TAPOUT's picture

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My list 1. bitten buy heaps

Mon, 2007-12-31 17:35

My list

1. bitten buy heaps of dogs and fish

2.  Attacked by Kangaroo,Dolphin,seal,Wambat,King brown, octopus,

3. Stung by blue bottle,Bee,wasp,bull ants,John Howard.

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Mon, 2007-12-31 17:38


Live to fish

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after working on a prawn

Mon, 2007-12-31 17:57

after working on a prawn trawler i think ive been hit by almost everything that swims ... worst was a box jellyfish, with a tail swipe from a massive shovelnose shark a very close second. most entertaining was numb rays as they dont hurt but ya cant feel ya toes for a few minutes after treading on them in the trays :P

ody's picture

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Hi Ya, Dreamy, you need to

Mon, 2007-12-31 21:50

Hi Ya,

Dreamy, you need to take on Rod Stewart's philosophy (or was it Mick Jagger?).  After his divorce he stated to a reporter "Next time I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her half of what I have."  It would cetainly cost the same but there would be a lot less angst.  LOL


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Bitten or stung by the

Mon, 2007-12-31 22:04

Bitten or stung by the following

Mud crab
White Handed Gibbon

Gored by a deer and kudu

But the one that takes the cake is

Bitten by a Lion!!

big john's picture

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Mon, 2007-12-31 22:27

The fishing bug!


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Steve Richards's picture

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Mon, 2007-12-31 23:16

I think my worst would have been the bee sting in my ear as a 3 yr old. I felt it crawl in my ear and reflexs made me stick my finger in after it lol,pushed it in as far as it would go before it got me.

davey's picture

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Tue, 2008-01-01 08:16

my worst was getting stung by a wasp,what made it so bad was that it was inside my crash helmet at about 70mph, it got my eyelid, very scary for a few seconds that one.
next one was an unknown bug in sumbawa,put me out of action for 3 months (locals called it THE FEVER)
i also got quite a nasty sting from a vauxhall corsa (barina to you) 5 weeks intensive care from that one,good job the doctor was a jigsaw enthusiast :-)


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The Fever!

Tue, 2008-01-01 08:26

I forgot to mention this one, but I had the unfortunate experience of getting bitten by a Mosquito in Papua New Guinea, when I was working over there in the late 80's. The unfortunate part was that despite religeously taking my anti malaria medicine, I managed to get a Mozzy carrying a Cloroquine resistant strain of malaria. Not good going from uncontrolable shivering to bed soaking sweats all from a tiny little mozzy. Took me a while to get over that one, but nowhere near as bad as they make it out to be. The local docs treat it daily and are very casual about it. I was sent home with a cocktail of about 16 tablets that I was told to take all at once and if I threw up I was to come back and get a massive needle. Obviously I made sure I kept it down.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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as well as the fishing bug,

Tue, 2008-01-01 08:16

as well as the fishing bug, a rock cod, bees, wasps, sand flies, blowies,hooks and of course fish


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taylor marc !!!!

Tue, 2008-01-01 08:28

cmon buddy heard you got btten pretty bad in the rexy 1 early fishin morning please tell!!!! hahahahahahaha
cheers brenz

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Tue, 2008-01-01 08:47

hey andy i got the dreaded M last year in png
its a bit like the flu really, not pleasant but not as bad as people tell you.
i guess the ones that get real sick from it were maybe not too healthy to start with.

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hahaha!!!!! Yep Brenz

Tue, 2008-01-01 09:48


Yep Brenz lol

Bloody redbacks in the old fishin boot  (wink wink) on the way out fishing down leach HWY.

Just about got me off the 45klm per hour over the speed limit fine on the way to freo hospital hahahahaha!! 


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jumping jacks

Tue, 2008-01-01 12:30

jumping jacks (ants)

Bluebottle (in the armpit very uncomfortable)

That frilly white coral that stings

a mongrel cat

worst of all was a catfish spine  in the arm, i was in some serious pain there very very intense and it moved right through my whole upper body, not cool

oh and i neally knocked myself out SCUBA one time when a occy came over my shoulder in a cave to steal my cray, scared the crap out of me and i headbutted the cave and started bleeding everywhere.

Dreamweaver's picture

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Good Grief!

Tue, 2008-01-01 17:46

Only thing left is bloody martians !

Abandon - reckon a Blue Tongue Lizard rates well!

Andy - Ouch! mate.

Jody - IKES - Jack Jumpers - NASTY baskets!

TAPOUT - Then we share something common in snakes mate! (Onya with John mate!)

Andrew - OOOO Redback! Get better cats, stop ferreting and tame your daughter!

Feral - Box jellifish! Now THAT rates highly mate! Yeah numb rays - amazing voltage - low amps that goodness!

Ody - Nomenclatively speaking, you don't know how close to W*NKER you are - but does not involve the wives - 'shire non bliss'

Alfred - white handed gibbon - sure that wasn't Michael Jackson?

John - LMAO -  we all forgot that ! :)

Steve - OOOOOOOOCH! What will BEE will BEE - you hEAR?

Davey - Vauhall, fever, helmet - lay off the spped mate!

Andy - you bludy drug fiend LOL!

Irish - may you get bitten by more fish! Remember they live in the Eshce Bauah (sp) (Holy Water of Life)

Brenz....lookin forward to that!

Davey - was that mosquito waring underware?

Tailor Marc - just BLOODY HELL!

Brad - frillwhite coral? - You need to tell us something?

Great feed back guys and lady!


**** RECFISHWEST No. 576 ****


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Not me but the wife

Wed, 2008-01-02 06:30

when we had the farm my 'new' bride had a rough introduction to country life.

First was a tiger snake in the pantry....not bitten...just scared the crap out of her....

While picking she was bitten by a Whitetail spider which took 9 months to recover from....very nasty scare

One night in bed she was stung on the bum by a scorpion...

Had a bungarra run up her leg trying to get away from the dog.

Mad magpie almost scored a eye while using the squirrel (elevated work platform)

After 4 years she had enough.....so had to sell and move to Perth.....a fishing boat was my reward

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a fishing boat was my reward?

Wed, 2008-01-02 12:31

Must have tricky organising all that Salmo

Sseriously though - white tail spiders - I've heard some horrible stories as to there effects! Glad she was ok mate!


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Bites and stings

Wed, 2008-01-02 12:40

Running a marine aquarium store i get biten by all types of
fish and stung by others like lionfish.
I think the worst would have been a long spine urchin in my thumb.
the spine broke of and caused a heap of pain!
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Thu, 2008-01-03 07:06

Ouch Rod - that has GOT to hurt!


**** RECFISHWEST No. 576 ****


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Massive pain

Thu, 2008-01-03 08:49

Yeah colin and u cant try and pull them out cos they just
brake up, so u have to let it work its self out, very painfull!

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Reminds me of a couple of my ex wives

Thu, 2008-01-03 14:22

Reminds me of a couple of my ex wives


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Thu, 2008-01-03 17:27

Biten by a moray eel (scared the hell out of me) or spiked from a lionfish.