What a Mate of MineTold Me About Portsea Marine

 Hey Justin I have never met you But My Mate ARNIE reckons your not a bad bloke to deal with   have you mentioned to the crew that you can also supply their boat with a very nice Peterson Alloy Trailer.

Cheers Ozzy



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Swompa's picture

Posts: 3917

Date Joined: 14/10/12

Looking for a good deal are

Mon, 2013-01-07 14:21

Looking for a good deal are you Ozzy?

Ozzy's picture

Posts: 257

Date Joined: 11/06/08

Hi Swompa,

Mon, 2013-01-07 16:55

 No I already have my Boat, there is a bit of an underlying Joke, Justin I believe is mates  with a mate of mine in Melbourne (Arnie) and when he left his Portsea Marine Cap on my boat after a fishing trip I said I would take a picture of it on the dash ( Look Hard and you will sea it ),and post it on Fishwrecked.

Arnie keeps harping I should have used Portsea when I brought my boat in, so like I said its just a bit of a joke, but also telling you guys he offers a good service with boat imports and Trailers  

sammy85's picture

Posts: 831

Date Joined: 31/08/10

 He is very good to deal

Mon, 2013-01-07 15:48

 He is very good to deal with. Spoke to him today about my boat which will be here in 4 weeks. Happy days


 Plumber and gas fitter- 0415489103

Posts: 9

Date Joined: 10/09/12

 Gee I better send him a new

Sun, 2013-01-20 14:09

 Gee I better send him a new cap! Did he really catch that fish????



Ozzy's picture

Posts: 257

Date Joined: 11/06/08

 Yep he actually did catch it

Sun, 2013-01-20 18:30

 Yep he actually did catch it on one of these 

Cheers Ozzy