What sounder for fishing 150m plus?

 Hi just wondering what sounders you guys are using for fishing the deep water past 100m.

I've started fishing the shelf and my sounder just doesn't cut it past 100 metres..Obviously need to hook up a 1kw transducer as well I have been looking at the lowrance hds10 or the furuno  fcv585 am I on the right path or is there a better one out there? 

snappermiles's picture

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fcv 295

Tue, 2012-08-21 15:00

with three kw transducers!! the 585 is good for 100 to 220 and ok from then on but if your buying new spend the dollars and get the 295



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585 will kill it out there. I

Tue, 2012-08-21 15:00

585 will kill it out there. I believe 600w is ok but 1 kw will do it easy

Posts: 50

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 How deep do you get with the

Tue, 2012-08-21 15:58

 How deep do you get with the 295 snapper??

snappermiles's picture

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had it reading in 700 metres

Tue, 2012-08-21 17:28

but we can cruise at 20 knots in 220 metres and it reads good! on 200kh and that is throught the hull of a bertam 25 so if you mounted them like south city has it would be awesome!



southcity104's picture

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the 585/587 to 295

Tue, 2012-08-21 16:10

is a considerable jump in dollars. If you have money to burn and want almost the best, then go the 295 but if you want very close results the 585/587, set up right will be sufficient to 500+meters. The deepest ive taken mine it out to 820m but on a glassy day trolling at 8 Knots.



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Leemo's picture

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you deep drop boys are

Tue, 2012-08-21 16:16

you deep drop boys are insane, 820m! 


bludgin' since 94'

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 Cheers south city I think

Tue, 2012-08-21 16:32

 Cheers south city I think the 295 is out of price range what tranny are you running on your 585 I've got a 5.5 genesis so pretty sure I gotta go a transom mount 

Tim's picture

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Tue, 2012-08-21 16:58

You could go a thru hull tilted element transducer. Just got to be prepared to drill a big hole in your hull.

They tend to be easier to set up as the large transom mounts can be a pain to het in the right position sometimes.


wangler's picture

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Agree, tilted element

Tue, 2012-08-21 20:17

in the right place should be good


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southcity104's picture

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furuno 50b-b

Tue, 2012-08-21 20:24



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black gen's picture

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sent u a PM Chook1204 re

Tue, 2012-08-21 17:27

sent u a PM Chook1204 re mounting a setup to a genesis



glastronomic's picture

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Serious debt and serious

Tue, 2012-08-21 21:36

Serious debt and serious fishing application; Simrad NSE equipment minimum screen 8" if you have the dash roomn 12" with all the add ons.

Forget Furino and Lowrance, not in the same league.

That far out in the blue yonder, you need  auto pilot, and radar warning systems plus the GPS and fishfinders of that ilk.




wangler's picture

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What about a 12" garman?

Tue, 2012-08-21 21:41

What about  the 12" garman?


Want to make someone mad... tell a lie! Want to get the world upset... tell the TRUTH !


reece's picture

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im still trying to find a set

Tue, 2012-08-21 21:56

im still trying to find a set up that will out do a FCV 295 with a 3ks 38hz an a 2kw 200hz. it will cover every thing you want to fish from 5m to 500m. a FCV 585 with a 1kw is the very bare minimum you will need! iv seen fish on a 585 with 600w trany in 320m but we wer sitting right on top of one of my spots. as soon as you start moving you will not see a thing! if you can shell out the coin first up and get the 295. we have found spots in 28om with the 295 still on 200hz


Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow? 

glastronomic's picture

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Better not get the current

Tue, 2012-08-21 22:05

Better not get the current Simrad Marine  electronics catalogue as the Simrad High power processor and broadband sounder/ LSS-1 structure scan alone will make the FCV 295 completely obsolete and very much yesterdays bit of kit.

never mind the other articles like GPS, Radar and complete flexability you can add to it.

There is sadly no comparison to it.

Yes it does cost much more than the furino, but is sadly so much more versetile and better.




snappermiles's picture

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its probably just hype

Wed, 2012-08-22 06:33

like when the hds came out! touch one thousand metres easy!! lol like reece said il beleive it when i see it! untill then theres nothing imo that beats a furuno!



reece's picture

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iv heard that but im yet to

Tue, 2012-08-21 22:21

iv heard that but im yet to see it or know any one that is getting good results with it! i know a guy that has the simrad and yes hes catching fish but off spots that have been passed on to him. if it was that good you would see the pros running it?  i find it a lot with deepdrop that every one has an opinion on what you should use,shouldnt. bait,jigs sounders reels..ect but they havent actually been out an used any of the equipment them selfs! im yet to hear sum one say they cant find fish with a fruno set up. or i could just be stuck in the old school ways


Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow? 

Vinesh87's picture

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glastronomic, Simrad

Tue, 2012-08-21 23:27

glastronomic, Simrad structure scan is only rated to max 100m so it wouldnt work on dd anyway?


I think the Raymarine MFU and Furuno navnet compare quite well to the simrad personally. They both can do chirp which is where sounders are heading anyway.

glastronomic's picture

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Sorry to inform but the

Wed, 2012-08-22 07:25

Sorry to inform but the Simrad BSM-2 broadband digital sounder (to which you can add the structure scan sonar imaging), penetrates to 3000Mtr (10.000 feet!) at speed!

The processing capability (1.6 Ghz/512MB/80GB) of the head unit leaves all others in it's wake at the moment plus all add ons have there own processor so they do not "lean" on the head unit so to speak.

Plus the software of this head unit is very easily updateable.

I am still comparing systems and trying to purchase the best system.

So far it seems to be far out in front of the "intergratable" systems.

I want; Auto pilot, radar, GPS, fishfinder and engine system display.   




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Jeez Glastro. No wonder your

Wed, 2012-08-22 07:30

Jeez Glastro. No wonder your sticking with the refurb on the old rig. Nothing new around built solid enough to handle all the gear your going to stuff all over it.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

glastronomic's picture

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Yep we are in the process of

Wed, 2012-08-22 07:54

Yep we are in the process of giving the old rig a bit of a makeover and for a start doubled the prop HP saucemaker unit.

Then she gets a new pair of rollerskates to make travel comfortable and some other bits and bobs to please the Greek Caterer while he resides on board creating magic breaking his Shimano T curves & Stella combo's.

You are correct in asuming that I cannot find a better trailer boat for what I like.

Besides we are building a undercroft storage/workshop for it as well as we speak.

It will have some of my other items in there as well

Last 2 days 200c/m of limestone/sand has been removed and a wee hole has been created to do this.




Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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Does this require a 3rd

Wed, 2012-08-22 09:17

Does this require a 3rd transducer for ss ? Cant wait to see your setup !

southcity104's picture

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Wed, 2012-08-22 11:19

considering the bloke was looking at the 585/587 price range. The simrad unit is never ever ever coming close. Looking a US prices its like 20k+ to get it in the box then add fitment is more. Now double that for Aus prices!!!

I do like it though.


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glastronomic's picture

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The chap asked for fishing in

Wed, 2012-08-22 13:32

The chap asked for fishing in deep water, which means going 40miles or there about out here in Perth.

I still have a Navman 4500 witha 50 & 200Hz trannie that will do past 100 mtrs of water, but is this what you realy should be having, taking into account the boat and equipment to be out there and have some fun/success?

You will be suprised what sort of "deals
 can be done once they know you are serious here in Australia WA Perth.




southcity104's picture

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well you sound like an expert!

Thu, 2012-08-23 14:10

no point discussing anything is there?

 "Cheers south city I think the 295 is out of price range" If the 295 is out of his price range the simrad is not even worth thinking about...


"Its a life style job"

Vinesh87's picture

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That's true. Looking at good

Wed, 2012-08-22 14:00

That's true. Looking at good setup myself but loving my raymarine e7 with a 10 monitor.Simrad was my other option. Deals can be made but its seems no one wants my business when i walk into a boat store !

NORUN NOFUN's picture

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Structure scan to 3000mtrs

Wed, 2012-08-22 16:23

Can't wait to see that ! I will believe it, when I see the pics !

Glossy brochures and technical information - lol.

Time to surf the net and have a look at this witchcraft  

Posts: 9358

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Holycrapmoly its expensive

Wed, 2012-08-22 17:18

Holycrapmoly its expensive though!

Simrad NSS12 $3800
Simrad BSM-2 $2400
Tranny $1600-$4600
total $7800-$10800


Tim's picture

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Wed, 2012-08-22 18:28

Not a bad price for a fancy Lowrance unit hey. LOL

Was the same spiel from NAVICO when they brought out their broadband sounders.

Proof will be in the pudding as they say.

glastronomic's picture

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Well these units have already

Wed, 2012-08-22 17:47

Well these units have already been installed in some boats here in Perth and it seems that alot of other boat owners who have a play with it replace/update their gear quick smart.

I was dead certain to get the E series W120 unit with radar, auto pilot and fishfinder but after seeing this gear I can clearly see that that would be the wrong move in 2012 as the processing system is old and slow and the auto pilot steering colar system is the same.




NORUN NOFUN's picture

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Lots of problems

Wed, 2012-08-22 20:06

 Trawled the net today, seems they are having problems with software, and users who have already installed recommend waiting till the problems have been ironed out. A lot of money to fork out on new technology ! I would give the technology a wide berth until more positive reviews surface.

glastronomic's picture

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care to share these

Wed, 2012-08-22 20:10

care to share these findings?





Posts: 9358

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There are a few chirp reports

Wed, 2012-08-22 20:35

There are a few chirp reports on ausfish, and a few not so favourable.

There are a few quite negative threads on the hulltruth.com as well.

Its hard not to see it as tarted up lowrance as someone mentioned.


NORUN NOFUN's picture

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Wed, 2012-08-22 20:15

 Google search simrad bsm-2 problems and you can make your own mind up. Good technology, just needs problems sorted out.

glastronomic's picture

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I did and so far no horror

Wed, 2012-08-22 21:21

I did and so far no horror reports other than one chap who installed it himself  in a 6 mtr tinny.

Almost all are happy nit seems from what I can read.

Plus I have spoken and seen at least 4 units in different boats of which the owners were most impressed and one had his less than 1 year old Ray Marine C 120W system ditched for 2x NSE 12" Simrad screens and system. 




NORUN NOFUN's picture

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Wed, 2012-08-22 21:29

 From the looks of the photo's, you do not do things in halves ! Looking forward to your reports on the new setup !

glastronomic's picture

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Engine department ready for

Fri, 2012-08-24 10:33

Engine department ready for the new engine.

This fibreglasser knows his trade!




Posts: 354

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Be nice to see some photos of

Fri, 2012-08-24 15:08

Be nice to see some photos of your new sounder once its up and running with and some with fish in your hands. I would like to see what it looks like compared to Furuno .

glastronomic's picture

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Lookalike fish in hand

Fri, 2012-08-24 15:21

Greek caterer with monsta lizzy

Lookalike fish (the one without the hat) in hand




Posts: 354

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What size donk is going in

Fri, 2012-08-24 17:39

What size donk is going in the tub?, Diesel ,petrol ? got any details on it , I recon rebuilds are great to watch from start to finish

glastronomic's picture

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  Mercruiser MPI

Fri, 2012-08-24 18:20

  Mercruiser MPI 225HP.

If there is any interest maybe better to open up a separate tread instead of poluting this one.

Plus the troops with the extra long sensative toes can rest peacefully to get their blood preasure back to friendly levels. 





harro's picture

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Fri, 2012-08-24 20:23

the 585 is very capable , with a 1kw tranny tuned in correctly,

like some of the lads say the 295 is a few more $$$ but worth it, once u start going deep u end up like tony lol, 820m haha

good read guys



 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

Paul G's picture

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I have the new 587 and it

Sat, 2012-08-25 04:44

I have the new 587 and it works fine we have been 420m and perfect pic.I will get some screen shots today if we get out .I would think 800m would still work fine we were on 50k and gain set at 2.4am .great on 200hz for shallow don,t miss to much .I have a one kw trainee on the back.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

glastronomic's picture

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Would I be correct to say

Sat, 2012-08-25 06:13

Would I be correct to say that the more power you use to send the ping the more noise you create.

Therefore the more filtering/doctoring of the received signal there has to be to get rid of the "Noice"

3 KW trannies seem to send out a hell of a ping, even a 1 KW is powerfull

Try to stick your leg underneath a 1KW trannie in the ocean and you will feel it well and truely.

Same with the fish.

Do you have an auto pilot fitted Paul?
