good on ya mate for trying to do the right thing but when ever I find a handle I put it on the start of the jetty somewhere so by chance(if some cheap bastard doesn't grab it first)the owner will see it when he comes in, ive lost heaps of them before and picked up the idea when some very nice person out there did it for me with a friendly lil note attached now I do the same and if everyone else did it would be handy at the least.
Posts: 660
Date Joined: 21/09/09
good on ya mate for trying to
good on ya mate for trying to do the right thing but when ever I find a handle I put it on the start of the jetty somewhere so by chance(if some cheap bastard doesn't grab it first)the owner will see it when he comes in, ive lost heaps of them before and picked up the idea when some very nice person out there did it for me with a friendly lil note attached now I do the same and if everyone else did it would be handy at the least.