Woodie Point Squid
A few people had asked about squid around in the last few weeks and sizes, well I reckon they were ok!
On wed it was my intention to attend the rally, but I had a divemaster physics exam in the morning and some work lined up for the afternoon. Anyway, I got 97.5% for my exam which I had been shitting myself about, and decided to flag work, the rally and go out for a squid as it has been a months.
Got the boat to the ramp about 2:20 pm and the wind was blowing fairly hard shifting from SE to S, and as the afternoon went on it went to SSW. I headed just to the north west (150mts tops) of woodman pt and set up a drift. I only used three jigs, all yo-zuri aurie Q Aces I think, two brand new jigs caught squid within a minute of hitting the water. Awesome!
Had a rod leaning against the side of the boat with the jig just in the water while I sorted out the other rod and had a squid streak straight up off the bottom in 20 ft of water to hit the jig nearly on the surface right beside the boat. Immediately the squid went nuts with ink and blasted me and the boat to hell and back. I have never gotten the boat dirtier than this trip, but I landed that squid!
End result: 11 squid in four drifts over 2 hours. It was wet heading back upwind to reset the drift, but well worth it. 4 donkeys like the one in the photo.
Side Story: Got a voucher for BCF for my birthday and thought a few new squid jigs would be nice, so I went to the jig aisle, having a look, sales bloke comes past several times, finally I ask him 'hey, have you got any of the yo-zuri flashdancers?', reply 'I dunno mate, I cant read japanese either'. Then told me he used a cheap jig brand and put Kiwi Boot Polish on it, as apparently it is made of prawns or something that makes it an attractant.
Dunno about that, but the Yo zuris kick ass as always.
Posts: 317
Date Joined: 16/12/09
Was this the BCF at Myaree? I
Was this the BCF at Myaree? I was there last time and a guy told me the same thing about the boot polish. Don't know if it works though.
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Good advice lol
The guy's at BCF have such great advise. ha ha.
I would think if boot polish was so good they would put it in a tube and call it stimulate or chumline.
Top salesman , they do sell inhancers for squid jigs develoved by devoted japanese squider's.
Or maby they just buy boot polish and re package it LOL.
PS nice report and squid bro..
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well done on the feed there.
well done on the feed there. them buggers can make a nice mess. good size one in the pic
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
go the zuries! Not bad sizes
go the zuries!
Not bad sizes either I know your hands are like the size of a skull