Woodman Point Ammo Jetty
Been for walks along the beach each side of the jetty, and along the jetty. The state of the jetty is terrible. Lights not working, rubbish bins missing, the concrete piles have split and are all showing signs of disintergration. The beams are starting to come adrift, some already missing. the deck is up and down and cracking.
The trouble (shark fishing, etc), fishing issues(undersize catches) etc etc all on this forum.
I think it should be pulled down, the concrete piles etc taken out to form an artificial reef.
This can then be used by snorklers and for schooling would be scuba divers.
Maybe a Suba club house could be set up. No I don't dive.
With the surf-lifesaving facilities going up, picnic areas, a beautiful beach, do we really need this unsightly structure?
Posts: 125
Date Joined: 27/02/11
Hmm currently is it used by
Hmm currently is it used by divers. It has a huge amout of "stuff" growing on the pylons.
Posts: 652
Date Joined: 21/09/09
Artificial reef.
Surely if an artificial reef was made about a 100-150 yards off shore, the "stuff" would still grow on it.
Daniel Strijk
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 07/01/13
The trouble with setting up
The trouble with setting up an artificial reef 100-150yds offshore is it then becomes inaccessible to shore based anglers, If the jetty needs work done to it then it would be better to fund its repairs rather than rip it down
The Shooters and Fishers Party Wa
Posts: 295
Date Joined: 14/01/12
just pull the platform down and leave pylons where they are for divers.
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
I disagree , I think it
I disagree , I think it should be maintained .. families , kids without boats should have the opportunity to fish... that other Ra Ra is just that ra ra .. not that hard to educate / police if the authorities heart were in it , but I think the opponents of it will get a win though
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
Daniel Strijk
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 07/01/13
Well said Chris, Ripping it
Well said Chris, Ripping it down should be the last option after every other avenue has been exhausted
The Shooters and Fishers Party Wa
Posts: 652
Date Joined: 21/09/09
Why do you think that the
Why do you think that the hearts of the authorities are not "in it"? because they think that with the next big storm, it will be a pile of rubble. The sea water has got into the steel reo rods, and the piles have split. Any money spent on "Propping" it up is a waste of tax payers funds.
Why not put a couple of floating pontoons out to a reef.
Last week end there were so many divers going out it was amazing.
Fishing would have to be off the beach, or at the Coogee jetty, or the woodman point mole.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
some years ago they did a
some years ago they did a major upgrade of the Como jetty which isnt used to the extent as the ammo jetty. if they can spend the $ on the Como jetty why not the ammo jetty. 1000's use the jetty for fishing throuought the year .Spend the $ and fix it up. i have only fished there a few times .there isnt realy that many options for jetty fisho's around the metro area, why make it harder
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Agree f.f
Why let a few rotten apples spoil it for everyone.
And if the govt got enough of our money to punch holes in the riverbank on riverside drive to park blokes
45 foot rivarias in it , they must have a few lousy bucks for a landbased fishing platfom upgrade.
I have seen plenty of young smiles a mile wide , this year as little uns have pulled in there first scaley or herring.
Thats priceless and sets the kids on a path of the outdoors life we want to encourage ( dont we?)
Me and my teenage daughter ( 13) have had a few bonding sessions ourselves out there in the last 12 months
in the 25-35 knot seabreezes( she may claim otherwise ha)
I vote for not only preserving it , but extending it another 100 foot and putting the t bit back on the end.
Its a jungle out there ( sailboarders, swimmers , greenies cuddling octopuss, you get it)
and we need to fight for our share of the funds and areas , not infight while its taken away .
flash as
Posts: 286
Date Joined: 07/04/09
I also agree fix it properly
I also agree fix it properly fisheries need too patrol it properly also. I live local if they rip it down then all the ppl that fished there will just go to coogee then we will have the same problem there as well gov just needs to do its job properly!! IMO
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