A year of fishing and cycling Australia...A big thank you :)

 Hi Guys, 


Reluctantly, a few weeks ago I left Australia and headed back to the UK after an amazing year cycling and fishing WA and the Northern Territory. Just Over a year ago I posted here on fishwrecked so this post is to say thanks to the guys and girls that helped me along the way aswell as to give an overall report for everyone particularly if you missed my earlier reports:)

A big thanks goes to Ben (Goodz) for welcoming me in Perth when I arrived last april. Ben kindly took me out on his boat and gave me my first taste of vertical jigging. We landed a couple of small sambos and olater some smaller species on bait. Come the second trip I landed a good pink snapper on soft plastic. We were both ecstatic prticularly as it was one fish i was very keen to catch while in Australia. Thanks mate for the fishing and some great advice:)

Ben and a small sambo

A great pink snapper that snaffled my soft plastic off Perth


Thanks to Bryan (sarcasmo) for taking we out on his boat while I was also in perth. We had a great time and caught a range of species and got stuck into some good squid over some weedbeds. That was an interesting experience..some of the most dangerous fishing i've encountered...particularly if you have your best t-shirt on:) Thanks mate:)

Bryan and some of our squid.


After Perth a friend from India joined me for  couple of weeks and from reserh on here we decided to go and chase some salmon down south. Fishing was hard going but the scenery was fantastic, particularly the forest around walpole...something i had always wanted to see. When we di finally get into the salmon it was faat and furious to say the least. Some of my friend Abbey's bet fishing to date:)

We landed 16 big salmon in around an hour and lost countless others

Abbey and a decent salmon


After our trip down south I climbed onto my Bicycle in Perth and started cycling North to Darwin

Don't worry i did go the right way;)

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 I then stopped in Dongara

Sun, 2012-05-06 21:17

 I then stopped in Dongara and fished with Lloyd (twitchemup) and his girlfriend Elise...This was a great experience as Lloyd is a truly switched on fisherman....I would return to fish with Loyd later on but more on that later..We caught Dhu fish, Pinkies and some other species...one day the weather was bad so we fished small soft plastics in the shelter of the mariner and caught around 150 small mulloway, pink snapper, tailor and some other species...although no big fish..a great way to spend an aftenoon

Lloyd doing what he does best...a Dhu fish

Elise and a Dhu


Cycling up the west coast...near Dongara


After spending a great week in Dongara I climbed back on the bicycle and pressesd on to kalbarri where i hoped to get amongst a few more fish

On the way to Kalbarri...a stop at flat rocks..

For this section of the ride it rained hard for few days and I was one wet cyclist :)

It didn't always rain though and I had some lovely camping spots..


In Kalbarri I managed to get stuck into some good tailor on the surface lures. I had always wanted to catch some big ones after reading about the big green backs while in South africa as a kid. 














worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 This was my first tailor on

Sun, 2012-05-06 21:35


This was my first tailor on the surface lure:)

I also managed to catch a few half decent mulloway for the kalbarri comp and win 50 dollars

I spent a couple of weeks helping out Toni at the nursery. So thanks for having me to stay Toni...was great fun and tight lines for the coming year..

I went out with Laurie while there and caught  nice spaniard and a Tuna. unfortunately the tackle was far too heavy so there wasn't much skill involved..bt I guess that's what charter boats are all about..

Next spot to stop was Quobba and the blowholes for a bit of a recce. I wasn't really tackled up to fish these spots so ws happy to just look around. I managed to get a lift out there from canarvon with Simon from Melbourne. It was a good move as I managed to get down to red bluff which was a super beautiful spot..

red bluff surfer

Red bluff bay..fishing and surfing paradise


After Quobba it was on to Exmouth where I met up with Adam and Tim (luckyTim). The plan was to join them out for a day on the boat. Unfortunately the weather didn't play the game from the beginning so the day was cut short. It was great anyway and we still caught a few fish. I got my first spangled emperor and Tim had a nice coral trout on a soft plastic...and Adam lost something big on half a mullet.



Adam mid fight before the fish found the reef
Tim and his coral trout



worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 After saying good bye to

Sun, 2012-05-06 21:50

 After saying good bye to Adam and Tim I headed to Karajini. Thanks a lot guys for taking me out...when you fancy India let me know;)



Looking down from Mt bruce


Karajini national park


proof you don't have to be young to cycle round Australia. this couple from NZ were on the way to Exmouth, from Darwin


Things started to warm up as I headed north...shade was sometime hard to find so big boab were a pleasing sight.

Bromme's cable beach


Kind people along the way helped me with cold drinks:) and the odd snack




On the fitzroy I headed into the bush and camped up for a few days...And managed to get my first Australian Barra...a fin moment indeed...the fishing was hard but it was a great spot...with plenty of lovely nature including heaps of fresh water crocs






worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

I'd always hoped to meet

Sun, 2012-05-06 22:04

I'd always hoped to meet Malcolm Douglas but was sad to find out he had passed away before i reached broome..I had a stop at his place anyway...later I would meet some guys who worked for him for many years


Malcolms croc farm


camped on the banks of the fitzroy river



the first live freshwater croc I saw...i saw one before but it was dead by the road:)



The beautiful fitzroy river

I had always wanted to see the prison tree at derby..it was great to finally make it there but a shame the moment was ruined by some loud mouth tourists


After Derby I headed up the Gibb River road...plenty of people told me not to do it...but to be fair it was nothing too taxing in terms of cycling...bit bumpy in places but the beautiful landscape and great gorges made up for that. It seemed i was one of the few people who had the time to actually enjoy the road..



Nearing the end of the gibb river road



One of the gorges along the Gibb



worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 Just after the Durack river

Sun, 2012-05-06 22:18


Just after the Durack river crossing..



About to carry the bike across the pentecost


I saw some great wildlife along the way including this wedge tail eagle


After the Gibb I stopped in Kunnanara and was kindly invited to stay by Graham. I fished the ord a little nd caught lots of small barramundi and tarpon. Graham kindly showed me round the town and surrounding areas, Thanks very much mate...really appreciated your hospitality and i hope i can repay you someday..


A barra from the ord river.


Me Graham and Pete Newry, a famous local artist who has since passed away..


Saying goodbye to Graham, ready for the next leg to Darwin


Camping in the NT


I stopped at the king river and caught a few more barra and my first sooty grunter. he was small and defied all the odds of getting hooked :) it was  fine day as a couple of cans of vb were left forgotten by the road...barra and vb...mmm




Posts: 5827

Date Joined: 18/01/12

epic ride!

Sun, 2012-05-06 22:22

seems a bit of a travesty to compress a year of cycling and fishing into a 30 minute post here!

But a great read, two great posts in one day-CCC's Kimberley adventure and yours.

These 2 are probably the best posts Ive seen on FW.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  After a week or longer on

Sun, 2012-05-06 22:30



After a week or longer on the road I made it to litchfield national park..which proved to be a lovely spot..


A litchfield creek..


Bathing in the creek where i camped one evening..



I met Micheal on the way to litchfield...we had coffee by the side of the road and exchanged stories...he had just arrived in australia after cycling to darwin from france..via north africa (for added interest) Hope you are going well mate:)


Litchfield water fall at dusk


At the edge of the park I ran into Mitch and Dion..two brothers camped by the finiss river. I camped with them for four days. It was them who had worked for Malcolm Douglas....truly twoof the most interesting chracters I have had the good fortune to meet..its a long story unfortunately:)



camping at the finiss river with Mitch and Dion


scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

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Sun, 2012-05-06 22:37

 Keep it coming living the dream hey?


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 We fished and spotted

Sun, 2012-05-06 22:47

 We fished and spotted crocodiles on the finiss river..the first salties I had seen in Australia, apart from one a few weeks before on the vic river. One evening dion went for water but was back after a few seconds declaring nonchantly that there was a big croc 40 yards away from our camp in the river...The next morning i sat and watched..sure enough a 15 footer peeped out at me...

Sooty grunter from the finiss


sooty grunter on a bomber


Magnetic termite mounds, Litchfield


bee eater...darwin:)


Darwin was calling after Litchfield but I was a bit worried about being in the big city after so long in the bush! even Katherine had been too much so i was pleasantly surprised when i reached the city. My friend Nadine had arranged for me to stay with a friend of a friend...I met Graham and cycled with him up to nightcliff where i could stay for as long as i needed...A huge thanks goes out here to Graham for his hospitality:) I can never forget that:)


I stayed for a while and after talking with Graham found what might be a fishing paradise. I had wanted to get out to Kakadu to explore and it seemed Graham knew the perfect place. He kindly gave me and my bike a lift out there with 2 weeks supply of food before leaving after a night. I stayed on and had some of the best fishing i have experienced



Graham in Kakadu



beware crocodiles...i had many encounters over two weeks on the river

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 2 weeks food supply  lure

Sun, 2012-05-06 22:53


2 weeks food supply



lure supply:)



My bike fully loaded in Kakadu...moving to new fishing grounds...tanks though to a very heavy load of food and rough tracks i had to push a fair distance


pushing through Kakadu bush





Kakadu Barra on the surface lure



Sooty grunter

oxeye tarpon



Barra capture

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  Good saratoga  Close up of

Sun, 2012-05-06 22:59



Good saratoga



Close up of surface lure munching saratoga..

resting up in the heat of the day

Crossing the river


throwing lures for saratoga and barra


Archer fish




toxic barra



the river







worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  Preparing to cook a

Sun, 2012-05-06 23:12



Preparing to cook a barra


Whistling kite





On the way out of kakadu...These two weeks were some of the best times I have spent fishing...a perfect place way from the crowds...but be warned if you don't like crocs, mosquitos, snakes, march flies etc its maybe not the best place to come..After kakadu i went to South africa for a month to see my family. when i returned to Australia my friend nick who live in singapore joined me to drive to perth...first stop Kakadu...unforunately he was a bit overwhelmed by the previously mentioned annoyances so we didn't sty long..



on the way to SA i topped in singapore to meet nick and we managed to get some illegal peacock bass fishing in....the result


in SA we I anaged a few fish...some nice Blue tilapia


and we got some sharptooth cats at the local crocodile river




On the farm in SA





worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  Zebra  Back in Darwin I

Sun, 2012-05-06 23:25






Back in Darwin I waited for a few days for Nick to arrive from Singapore...I fished a little with Mitch and Dion and managed to hook a pretty large tiger shark from Nightcliff jetty...I fought it for 45 minutes until both me and the fish were tired...unfortunately lthough we had it on the surface there was no way to land it...it was great to see...:) until the leader snapped on the piling..


I had met a guy called Jamie before I left for South africa and when I returned I joined him on his boat for some coral collecting and fishing. Jamies is a licenced coral man...and very interesting...

on the boat with Jamie East of Darwin...small gt on the surface lure
a stop to collect coral
It was very intereting to spend some time with Jamie as he has a vast knowledge of darwin and the surrounds...I hope i can meet him again one day...Thanks a lot mate ..pleasure to meet you...
When nick arrived we took a van and headed south, first stop Kakadu where we camped and caught some barra and tarpon...it was now very hot and humid which made things a bit uncomfortable..
Me and Nick, deep in Kakadu
Nick and a NT barra




worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  heading south in our

Sun, 2012-05-06 23:33



heading south in our van...the plan was more or less head directly to exmouth where we could catch a few good fish...at least we hoped..



Nick caught this shark at at dampier



flying foxes..


We got to Exxy and found that the flies were going to be a pain in the arse


but it was ok as we caught some fish



we were particularly interested in catching some sharks....back in the uk a 5-7 kg smooth hound is a great fish so with some bigger ones available we had a few night shark fishing..



leopard shark...excuse the shorts...



Nick and lemon that nearly spooled him



sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

Date Joined: 25/06/09

Scott - You have the true travelling spirit

Sun, 2012-05-06 23:36

Man, your life is a total adventure, as someone said earlier, Living the dream.  It was an absolute pleasure to take you out squidding for the one day, I had hoped we would be able to catch up for another crack, but it was not to be.  I cannot tell you how many times over the last year I have stopped by your blog to see where you are and look at the great pictures you take.

If you are headed back to Australia some day be sure to get it touch cause im sure you would have some stories to tell.  Ill pm you my email. Or if you are thinking of coming to Canada in the next 4 months let me know also:D

Truly inspirational journeys and a top bloke to match.  I envy you, all the best. 


chookc's picture

Posts: 442

Date Joined: 07/01/10

another great write up

Sun, 2012-05-06 23:40

another great write up excellent work and great to see you living the dream..

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  A good shark for me...  and

Sun, 2012-05-06 23:40



A good shark for me...



and another


nick got this big smooth ray....that gave him a bit of  work out for 40 or so minutes




some small Gts happily nailed my stickbaits up and the mildura wreck every evening...it ws great fishing...many tyrtles swam by and even  dugong passed close to my fishing spot..


I lost a few good queenfish before i landed this beauty..

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

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 A  turtle returning to the

Mon, 2012-05-07 00:16


A  turtle returning to the sea in Exmouth...

After Exmouth we made a stop in quobba but it was too windy to fish..In Kalbarri nick got his first Tailor...on a popper

The evening Nick caught his I lost 7 big tailor in quick succession..the last was easily 90cm and I had it in my hand when it jumped and escaped...:(


Next day made up for it a little with this 82cm tailor


I stopped in Dongara and said good bye to Nick...I hoped to work for the next few months and luckily found  job quickly for a welding company..


Lloyd and elise welcomed me back and invited me to fish with them when ever possible.A big thanks to You guys for doing so much for me while I was in Dongara...it was a really great few months...I feel priveledged to have met you and fished so much togther. :)

We spent many days out of dongara fishing soft plastics and jigs for dhuies, pink snappers, sambos, coral trout and what ever else put in an appearance...i also put in some time fishing the beaches and break walls in hope of a good mulloway.


Lloyd getting into the action with a solid jigged Dhu




me and a jigged sambo:)







worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  some days the action was so

Mon, 2012-05-07 00:06



some days the action was so thick and fast that we seriously considered having a break:) but of course that never happened even when the arms and backs were really burning



a lively sambo that took a shimano jig

my biggest Dhu that took a jig....I had to wait a long time to get this fish;) thanks Lloyd..


Jigged pinky...


Thank to fishing with Lloyd I learnt a huge amount about fishing...particulalry vertical jigging which i am now hooked on. And also about fishing lighter tackle for the most enjoyment possible. I'll be taking the lessons i've learned in oz to india with me at the end of the year for some serious adventures:) 

A big cod on the jig for lloyd



Lloyd doing what he does best;)




Elise and a huge pinky caught on a soft plastic...a new pb


 Another big Dhu for Lloyd..

scottland's picture

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Mon, 2012-05-07 00:17

 You ride through the dessert in scorching heat so far  that's not what was gonna stop you the fish were haha


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 back on dry land I finally

Thu, 2012-05-10 02:17

 back on dry land I finally got  a half decent mulloway,,,,:)



after losing some and losing a big one just before this fish i was over the moon...and luckily Lloyd and Elise came to take some photos and help me carry the fish home...unfortunately it wouldn't release...



mulloway fishing from the break wall


I helped milton in the right direction and he landed a solid mulloway too



I also landed my biggest crayfish:)


As well as some smaller mulloway..


Sunset fishing in dongara




worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

  I was very keen to land a

Mon, 2012-05-07 00:25

  I was very keen to land a decent shovel nose while in dongara as well as a big ray...i got lucky..



 The ray took nearly two hours to land and put  very large smile on my face..:)



there is some good tailor popping to be had around dongara and we had some very memorble sessions..




Back out at sea I was very lucky to get a Yellow tail kingfish..it followed  trolling lure i had cast to retrieve right to the boat where it smashed it hard:)

 I also managed to jig this sandbar shark up...this was beforethey became  pain in the arse:)...i wanted my jig so with the help of lloyd we pulled him aboard...which is when he really started to wake up:)


worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

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 As the conditions changed at

Mon, 2012-05-07 00:45

 As the conditions changed at sea the tuna and spaniards arrived in dongara...

 A good longtail for lloyd




But the dhuies were still there:)




And of course the Samson fish...


Elise and a big sambo on soft plastic


worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 Well thats about it

Mon, 2012-05-07 01:03

 Well thats about it guys...I've more or less run out of steam...i'll leave you one of my last catches...my pb coral trout on jig:) happy days indeed.

There are more photos and write up at www.worldbiker.blogspot.com ...later in the year i will be hitting India hard for Barramundi, Gts, big Mangrove jacks and Mahseer so keep an eye on my site for more adventures. If anyone fancies fishing in India and needs some help please feel free to get in contact. Thank you again to everyone for all your help.  I hope in a few yers i can come back if i can find a company to sponsor me...Until then tightlines,





barlow's picture

Posts: 147

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 i have 3 kids and a lovely

Mon, 2012-05-07 05:42

 i have 3 kids and a lovely wife, a good paying job and i was wondering if you would like to swap lives?......

Dirt's picture

Posts: 463

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Mon, 2012-05-07 06:08

 What an adventure,top stuff guys

Posts: 53

Date Joined: 29/11/08


Mon, 2012-05-07 06:41

DAMN! Well Done! 

snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

awesome report

Mon, 2012-05-07 07:24

gotta love the toxic barra



JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

Welcome back to Oz

Mon, 2012-05-07 07:38

Welcome back to Oz anytime!!!!!


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

GrahamM's picture

Posts: 648

Date Joined: 19/01/09

It was good to read the first

Mon, 2012-05-07 07:51

It was good to read the first time you posted them and just as good to read them again Thank you again for sharing your trip as it was most enjoyable to read/see the beautiful places and people you saw along the way

Cheers Graham


soupster51's picture

Posts: 2724

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Mon, 2012-05-07 08:09

EPIC EPIC EPIC. Absolute trip of a lifetime. Your photos are 'publication quality'. You could consider putting your trip story and photos into a book. Great job.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Posts: 402

Date Joined: 06/01/12


Mon, 2012-05-07 08:18

Wow, awesome post mate, looks like you had a blast, great captures along the way. Aswell as some beautiful places, Very jealous. Well done. Rick

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

Amazing post - your posts

Mon, 2012-05-07 08:44

Amazing post - your posts here always make me so jealous!



When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

Date Joined: 05/09/08

majic post - great read

Mon, 2012-05-07 10:44

You remind me of my G/father. He shot through whenever he got the urge. No bike for him but his white horse "trigger". He travelled 10,000 miles through Europe with his horse drawing pictures with charcoal and selling them. Sometimes he would return home and write about it then piss off again LOL.

Thanks for sharing!


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Luckydog's picture

Posts: 42

Date Joined: 09/04/12

  Truly amazing....great

Mon, 2012-05-07 11:53

  Truly amazing....great photos and write up!


 feeding the fish since 1982

kane's picture

Posts: 1752

Date Joined: 07/12/08

great post

Mon, 2012-05-07 12:12

amazing trip, brilliant!

wonder if my mrs would mind if i took off up north on my pushbike for 12 months leaving her to raise the kids and pay the mortgage hahaha


Gooooone Fishin!

Tigh82's picture

Posts: 225

Date Joined: 04/05/06


Mon, 2012-05-07 12:23

 What an epic adventure!!! Please write a book! Would be awesome to have on the shelf.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Mon, 2012-05-07 13:39

Was a pleasure to meet you Scott and unfortunate timing that didn't let us share a few more fishing moments.  Thanks for putting the time in to post it on the site and all the best for your future travels! Keep us posted as its always good to see reports from other countries as well.




Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

Date Joined: 22/04/09

Wow.... thanks for the

Mon, 2012-05-07 14:41


thanks for the reports!

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11


Mon, 2012-05-07 15:11

It was awsome reading your reports along the way and great pictures too. Cheers .

chookc's picture

Posts: 442

Date Joined: 07/01/10

fantastic and look forward to

Mon, 2012-05-07 15:38

fantastic and look forward to seeing your catches from india...


Keep us posted...

aalfred's picture

Posts: 669

Date Joined: 13/06/09


Mon, 2012-05-07 17:02

Thats a awesome report, and as adam mentioned before keep us posted with your trips!


BigDunc's picture

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 27/11/11

Firkin wow!

Mon, 2012-05-07 21:02

Been checking this site for three years and that has to be the BEST and most appreciative report for local knowledge I've ever seen.  Come back mate and show me each spot and how you did it (I'll follow on a 250cc).  Awesome report!!!

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

sounds like you had a blast

Tue, 2012-05-08 09:00

sounds like you had a blast while you were here. you fished some places most of us could only dream about.

some great pics and stories along your way.

Why not try and land a tv series about this sort of stuff, if robson green can do it  why not you.

all the best in your future travels and fishing.

keep us all posted on how things are going


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

ca11um's picture

Posts: 335

Date Joined: 25/12/11

 Mate, that would have taken

Tue, 2012-05-08 18:28

 Mate, that would have taken a lot of time to write up. Thank you for putting it up and bringing us into your life!! Very enjoyable reading about your triumphs and well done on the cycling, superb effort!! 

Love that Barra shot with the Simpsons lure :D Thankyou for providing a detailed report and glad you enjoyed your stay in aus!! 

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

 It's was a pleasure to meet

Tue, 2012-05-08 20:48

 It's was a pleasure to meet ya Scott and awesome to be able to fish with you twice while you were here! The memory of the snapper hook up and capture will remain with me forever. Just a perfect end to that fishing session. Good times!!! Great report and pics too, keep intouch mate.




Matt T's picture

Posts: 875

Date Joined: 19/11/07

Brilliant report!

Tue, 2012-05-08 21:13

 Great work Scott and the WA locals that took him out! 

BigV's picture

Posts: 98

Date Joined: 22/06/11


Wed, 2012-05-09 12:23

Absolutely awesome stuff buddy one of if not the best posts i've read congratulations, looks like you had a great time.


Always keen to fish 


Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

Date Joined: 03/02/06

One of the best reports ever

Wed, 2012-05-09 12:47

 A year in the making but certainly worth it by the looks. What an awesome adventure.


Keep living the dream, I reckon you would be the perfect ambassador for someone like NIKE with your "Just do it" attitude to life.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

Date Joined: 28/11/07

 More than happy to help

Tue, 2012-05-15 18:28

 More than happy to help Scott, and like addy said it's a pity the timing didn't work out better. Great to meet you and follow your reports and stories, speak soon and catch up for a better fish on your next visit. India was never on the visit list but it may just be now

worldfisher's picture

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 06/03/11

 Thanks for all your comments

Fri, 2012-05-18 02:59

 Thanks for all your comments guys! Really hope I can be back one day:) At the moment here in blighty the fishing outlook is looking pretty bleak for the moment! I'll keep you posted Tim, there is some very interesting fishing out there and even if you catch nothing, the adventure won't be forgotten in a long time GUARANTEED!!!:)

All the best guys, Enjoy the awsome west coast, Scott

