New Ground Bonanza
Headed out yesterday with my next door neighbour on his boat with the view to exploring some new ground north of where we usually fish. We were going to take two boats out to increase the ground coverage but after my eldest daughter pulled the plug I decided to hop on board with Greg and his son and just use the one boat.
We launched from Mindarie and headed to some ground we both fish regularly before taking a northwesterly heading in line with those patches of ground we had. It wasn't long before we had a few new spots to fish, but apart from a few sambo's that made Matt grunt and groan we didn;t land much until the afternoon tide change.
We were lucky enough to find several new lumps in the afternoon all of which had fish on them and we finished with a full bag of 2x dhuies, 3 x pinkies and a big baldie between us. Not to count the other dhuies, pinkies and blackarse we released.
All in all a great day on the water and to pull every fish from new ground was especially pleasing.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
sounds like a good day
very nice baldie
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 45
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Excellent table fish
Gonna be nice feed for the family.
Well done!
Live to fish
Posts: 1752
Date Joined: 07/12/08
Well done!
Some top shelf fish there :-)
Gooooone Fishin!
Posts: 2283
Date Joined: 09/07/09
looks like a great day out
looks like a great day out Andy.
good baldie there .
If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am.
Posts: 2091
Date Joined: 06/07/10
Always great to have new
Always great to have new ground produce - nice one
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Quality mixed bag
Quality mixed bag
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18101
Date Joined: 11/03/08
gotta be happy with that
gotta be happy with that lot. well done to all on board
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together