spearing something like that you would have to have a bit of a death wish. would have been one struggle to get that one on board let alone to the surface
i am abit skeptical that he actually went for a ride with the tuna, since alot of things can be fabricated on the net, for all we know it could of been caught on a rope and big hook.
i am no keyboard warrior, only stating a fact that its possible it could be a fabricated story? but if its real that takes some serious balls, getting towed by something that big and no chance of slowing down anything soon and hanging on how does one breathe with adrenalin pumping through you? ask yourself that before you call me a keyboard warrior.
as far as the speed the tuna towed him, I think yes his ear drums would have been screaming, maybe a diver could answer that question. Personally would love to see these massive tuna swim for another day instead of a trophy for somebody.
Don't think the flesh would be any good for eating, tough or too strong maybe
I am sure a hunting freediver would answer this better, but you will find he will have been set up well with floats and lines in place to tire the bugger out and then surface it using the floats. It looks like it may have been a spine shot looking at the hole in some of the photos, so maybe the fight was pretty short.
if i ever got the chance to shoot something like dat (not that i would get the chance but say i did) i wouldnt think twice! i would pull that trigger..
just cause its big doesnt mean you cant eat it and doesnt mean it wont taste good. i dont see any difference between killing this fish, and a 25kg dhu. lets assume a smaller dhu taste better how many people would let a 25kg dhu swim another day in order to take better eating one home? not many!!
people complain about catches being a trophy, hey look at all your pics of all your fish dat you have caught are they not a trophy to u? ofcourse dey are its not just about catching the fish and eating it lets be honest for most its the glamour of the species, size and weight.. thats why everyone raves about dhuies.... its the thing to catch but if there wasnt all the glamour behind it, it would just be another good eating fish.
stilly totally agree about fishing for the future. having said that if i didnt have a dhuie onboard and I was within my bag limit to keep a dhuie and just hypethitcly say it was a 25kg monster, i dont see myself letting it go and that is just me being honest, some people would and thats Y i used the word "most" and "not many" as in most people wouldnt let it go. and that is also my opinion about the "most", people would despute that, but hell lets be honest..
The point I was trying to get at is that obviously people catch fish for fun, for food but its hard to deny that there isnt any glam factor in it aswell otherwise you would have reports and not Brags, and im saying that any half decent fish is a trophy small or big, just because a fish is big doesnt mean its being kept just as a trophy IMO. could be its being kept for food etc im just saying its a trophy non the less.. u hear fisherman goin on about how they got this or that and it was this and that big, this is the glam factor im talking about. and there is nothing wrong with the glam factor in my opinion.
however i obviously DISAGREE if your going to keep a fish only to show off or only as a trophy and do nothing with it that is wrong and that is NOT fishing for the future.
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
A friend sent me this
there is more www.spearfishingmotion.com/news.html?,news_id=25&lang=en ... I couldn't copy and paste the web address, he dived and speared it
ps....hope I did the address right
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 2154
Date Joined: 06/08/10
your jooooooooooking...
your jooooooooooking...
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
its begun
Knew it wasn't going to take long. :( All good though.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
no way............?
no way............?
Posts: 521
Date Joined: 03/04/10
(No subject)
Subway cookie is the best burley
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 26/03/10
epic tuna!!! theyve been
epic tuna!!! theyve been speared off greymouth in nz to 292 kgs
limit your catch, dont catch your limit
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
now that was faster than the
now that was faster than the Fitzroy "barra".
Still hasn't got any smaller though.
Posts: 659
Date Joined: 21/09/09
omfg... thats a huuuge bitch.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
spearing something like that
spearing something like that you would have to have a bit of a death wish. would have been one struggle to get that one on board let alone to the surface
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
that thing deserves to be on
that thing deserves to be on a wall.
Posts: 2154
Date Joined: 06/08/10
what goes through these guys
what goes through these guys brains. Do they die quick or does he have to go on a bit of a roller coaster ride?
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
i am abit skeptical that he
i am abit skeptical that he actually went for a ride with the tuna, since alot of things can be fabricated on the net, for all we know it could of been caught on a rope and big hook.
Posts: 1676
Date Joined: 12/07/09
read the post that adam put
read the post that adam put up, it has the story behind the capture.
good fish i donno if i would shot it i would have been happy to see it swimming but mayb if i was face to face it might be different.
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
yes i have read that post,
yes i have read that post, but it is the internet still, a fish that big towing you that fast and going deep would blow your ear drums would it not?
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
Your such a Keyboard warrior
Your such a Keyboard warrior Dicey. I would like to see you say that to the man that caught it.
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
i am no keyboard warrior,
i am no keyboard warrior, only stating a fact that its possible it could be a fabricated story? but if its real that takes some serious balls, getting towed by something that big and no chance of slowing down anything soon and hanging on how does one breathe with adrenalin pumping through you? ask yourself that before you call me a keyboard warrior.
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Must agree Dicey
as far as the speed the tuna towed him, I think yes his ear drums would have been screaming, maybe a diver could answer that question. Personally would love to see these massive tuna swim for another day instead of a trophy for somebody.
Don't think the flesh would be any good for eating, tough or too strong maybe
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
I am sure a hunting
I am sure a hunting freediver would answer this better, but you will find he will have been set up well with floats and lines in place to tire the bugger out and then surface it using the floats. It looks like it may have been a spine shot looking at the hole in some of the photos, so maybe the fight was pretty short.
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
True Cammos
think in the print he said he spine shot it. Just nerves reacting till it died, not a vet but would assume death kick from spine shot
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 06/03/08
if i ever got the chance to
if i ever got the chance to shoot something like dat (not that i would get the chance but say i did) i wouldnt think twice! i would pull that trigger..
just cause its big doesnt mean you cant eat it and doesnt mean it wont taste good. i dont see any difference between killing this fish, and a 25kg dhu. lets assume a smaller dhu taste better how many people would let a 25kg dhu swim another day in order to take better eating one home? not many!!
people complain about catches being a trophy, hey look at all your pics of all your fish dat you have caught are they not a trophy to u? ofcourse dey are its not just about catching the fish and eating it lets be honest for most its the glamour of the species, size and weight.. thats why everyone raves about dhuies.... its the thing to catch but if there wasnt all the glamour behind it, it would just be another good eating fish.
Posts: 118
Date Joined: 02/03/10
imagine that on the bream
imagine that on the bream gear:P
Happy Fishing????always
Posts: 410
Date Joined: 16/02/09
Bloody great fish.
Bloody great fish.
Still learning
Posts: 341
Date Joined: 10/08/09
i would release a dhu that big, fish for the future buddy not your pool room!
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 06/03/08
stilly totally agree about fishing for the future. having said that if i didnt have a dhuie onboard and I was within my bag limit to keep a dhuie and just hypethitcly say it was a 25kg monster, i dont see myself letting it go and that is just me being honest, some people would and thats Y i used the word "most" and "not many" as in most people wouldnt let it go. and that is also my opinion about the "most", people would despute that, but hell lets be honest..
The point I was trying to get at is that obviously people catch fish for fun, for food but its hard to deny that there isnt any glam factor in it aswell otherwise you would have reports and not Brags, and im saying that any half decent fish is a trophy small or big, just because a fish is big doesnt mean its being kept just as a trophy IMO. could be its being kept for food etc im just saying its a trophy non the less.. u hear fisherman goin on about how they got this or that and it was this and that big, this is the glam factor im talking about. and there is nothing wrong with the glam factor in my opinion.
however i obviously DISAGREE if your going to keep a fish only to show off or only as a trophy and do nothing with it that is wrong and that is NOT fishing for the future.
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 07/02/10
must have a few cats at
must have a few cats at home.....