Capel River Reddies!
Submitted by Redfin 4 Life on Mon, 2010-02-15 08:48
Some solid redfin picked up under the highway on the capel river using earth worms... however the biggest one there was caught using a halco laser pro.
Posts: 789
Date Joined: 24/01/08
Some nice Perch there cobba,
Some nice Perch there cobba, top tucker too.
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Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Yea they taste really good
Yea they taste really good gonna cook them up tonight.
Posts: 789
Date Joined: 24/01/08
What sort of gear,
What sort of gear, bait/lures did the trick.
The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
We were using Earth worms
We were using Earth worms fished with a small split shot sinker for the top 4 and the biggest one at the bottom i caught on a halco laser pro tiger pattern.
Posts: 789
Date Joined: 24/01/08
Sukkas for worms ay, good
Sukkas for worms ay, good work on the Laser Pro, have fished for them near Greenbushes and have had good success on orange 2 inch Atomic paddletails on 1/8 oz jigheads. Nothin' like fishing in the bush, great fun.
The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Do you fish with lures often
Do you fish with lures often or more of an occasional thing?
Guessing its not very far to travel for a nice feed of fish then (a great way to have it)
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Fish lures all the time
Fish lures all the time hlokk, i find fishing with lures is sometimes harder but keeps you more involved. This was only about the fourth time that weve fished with worms...... never had any luck before using them but these worms that we found this time were really long and fat so that may have helped.
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Oh and yea its a twenty
Oh and yea hlokk you were right its only a twenty minute drive from my house to where i caught those.