Catch Big Fish

Catch Big Fish


Can you catch big fish from beach with using ambulant maket with you.

see the image and change the annex according to wind.


Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

lol what the!

Thu, 2010-08-05 22:25

lol what the!




dagree's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 08/12/07


Thu, 2010-08-05 22:26




David (AKA Grumps)

Location: Heathridge.  Toys:  120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, mental

Thu, 2010-08-05 22:31

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, mental note, ...............dont do drugs lol

JakeB's picture

Posts: 262

Date Joined: 12/12/09


Thu, 2010-08-05 22:54


Posts: 912

Date Joined: 23/07/10

thats his way of ballooning

Thu, 2010-08-05 22:31

thats his way of ballooning for sharks i guess haha.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

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my guessing is you send a

Thu, 2010-08-05 22:32

my guessing is you send a big bait out onto the water using this polystirene to hold the bait until you reach your desired distance then pull the bait off with your line then just pull the pontoon back in. a bit like the kite fishing in a way. ........... great idea on a budget


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

allrounder's picture

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It is a float system

Thu, 2010-08-05 22:38

to get the bait out in deeper water.He uses the back as a sail and adjusts the wings to suit the wind .I would say when it gets to the depth or distance he wants he pulls the sinker from the foam and away it goes.LaughingCant see a reason why it wouldnt work.Where are you fishing?My guess is english is a second language that is why he has trouble getting his messages across.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

JakeB's picture

Posts: 262

Date Joined: 12/12/09

Interesting concept Hakim.

Thu, 2010-08-05 22:57

Interesting concept Hakim.

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Hakim is from Libya

Thu, 2010-08-05 23:04

That is an awesome idea Hakim. I am going to try it out soon.


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Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

No problem if you have

Thu, 2010-09-02 20:40

No problem if you have something to pull the foam back with, but I have the impression  the foam is left to float off into the distance as the small sinker appears to be attached to the bait only (correct me if I'm wrong). otherwise a good idea would say a large balloon is a better idea unless its a calm day.



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