One of the pretiest fish around.....and better on the tooth than most give them credit for.
We did a sideby side comparison of fresh pinkie and fresh dhuie last weekend, pan fried in butter, nothing else, 6 people tested both...........all but one selected the pinkie as better..........a big surprise for me.......I was one of the ones who thought the pinkie was better!
Freeze them both and see what everyone thinks then. Fresh I agree Pink is much nicer then dhu. Thing about dhuies is they freeze so damn well and most people eat fish after freezing it. Another ofcourse is you dont catch as many 15kg pinkies as you do dhuies in WA :)
just takn the piss guys geez talk about jumpn on ya grave! i saw the release weight on the there guys! its just a joke! anyway bit of a tester good pinky anyway!
Posts: 1027
Date Joined: 03/04/08
Nice pinkeye
Nice pinkeye
Posts: 2029
Date Joined: 07/06/08
Feral you have gone Feral
that's not a beer in the photo.......................
Posts: 1508
Date Joined: 01/11/06
Haha sorry mate ill try
Haha sorry mate ill try better tomorrow :-)
Posts: 1147
Date Joined: 09/01/08
Well done! We don't care what
Well done! We don't care what DUMBER thinks!
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 1367
Date Joined: 17/12/06
pensioner rig
nice pink mate! so whos using the pensioner gear out there hehe!
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
Hey Tangles
I think you'll find the snapper winch has a release weight hanging off it
Posts: 1508
Date Joined: 01/11/06
The winch has a large release
The winch has a large release weight on it at all times .. makes life easy to clip the fish on and wind up almost instantly
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Gotta love pinkies, nice
Gotta love pinkies, nice fish.
One of the pretiest fish around.....and better on the tooth than most give them credit for.
We did a sideby side comparison of fresh pinkie and fresh dhuie last weekend, pan fried in butter, nothing else, 6 people tested both...........all but one selected the pinkie as better..........a big surprise for me.......I was one of the ones who thought the pinkie was better!
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 301
Date Joined: 20/12/09
Freeze them both and see what
Freeze them both and see what everyone thinks then. Fresh I agree Pink is much nicer then dhu. Thing about dhuies is they freeze so damn well and most people eat fish after freezing it. Another ofcourse is you dont catch as many 15kg pinkies as you do dhuies in WA :)
Posts: 1367
Date Joined: 17/12/06
takn the piss
just takn the piss guys geez talk about jumpn on ya grave! i saw the release weight on the there guys! its just a joke! anyway bit of a tester good pinky anyway!