Dawesville is fishing well lately

Dawesville is fishing well lately

 Dawesville has been fishing really well lately. I normally head out into the 50s to guarantee a decent Dhufish but because of recent fuel prices, have been trying high 20s to low 30s a lot more. It's been nearly as good with last three trips 80cm and bigger Dhu's just as easy to find plus Snapper and Gummy Sharks as well.South Metro is fishing as well as ever.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Thu, 2022-07-14 13:02

 Coupla good fish there Danny, you still doing much off the stones or full convert now?


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Daniel Westerduin's picture

Posts: 431

Date Joined: 30/10/06

Only occasionally do a rock

Thu, 2022-07-14 13:31

Only occasionally do a rock fishing session, gets a bit harder as you get older clambering up and down rocks during a gale, but do a beach overnighter more than the rocks. Still it's 90%-95% boating at the moment. 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18105

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 Well done. Couple of nice

Thu, 2022-07-14 16:16

 Well done. Couple of nice fish. We always did well out of mandurah but out from the marina


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Daniel Westerduin's picture

Posts: 431

Date Joined: 30/10/06

 Yeah some good ground out

Fri, 2022-07-15 09:42

 Yeah some good ground out from there Russ, definitely don't always need to go a long way. I've fished that side a few times and done alright, but mostly I head more south or southwest.

Posts: 173

Date Joined: 14/05/18

 Couple of beauties there

Fri, 2022-08-05 13:09

 Couple of beauties there danny!! Well done
