demon fish of death
Submitted by Kasey L. on Sun, 2008-03-16 21:09
hi guys, i get some photos sent by email from friends, most of which i cant post cause they're private...
but this one's been put up in a blog, so i hope there's no issues of me sharing.
check this sh*t out
Okinawa archipelago, Japan, last thursday
Valley Hill testers on a jig
Posts: 244
Date Joined: 29/07/07
mate good size fish
mate good size fish
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Trout on roids
Cracker of a trout Kasey.
What type of depths were they jigging?
I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 943
Date Joined: 04/11/05
lokks to have a decent set
lokks to have a decent set of choppers nice fish
Live to fish
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 09/08/06
Sumo Trout!
Sumo Trout!
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
latest news
some latest news as well from New Caledonia from Le Poisson Banane..
20 days fishing and camping on an island; 2 new records broken:
quote from David Boué-Mandil:
"60kg Dogtooth on popper (6m depth !!!!!!!!)
66kg GT ( 10m depth !!! )"
cannot understate how much an achievement that is!!!!! jawdropping...
bookings for 2009 are already open and filing up!
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
Oh My God ......
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
lucky bugger!
dont worry, you might get used to it dan!
aren't u going to marion reef with rob on nomad?!
u lucky bugger....
make sure the skinny fella doesn't get pulled overboard!
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
Yep, sure am Kasey-
Yep, sure am Kasey- counting the days bro....
The 'skinny fella' should be ok, they put 'cages' around the designated fishing spots on the 18' dories to keep ya in/onboard. Might tie him on as well though, just to be sure.
I'm looking forward to the mega trout out at Marion(have ya seen the 'average' size trout on their website??).
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
sure deefa
Yeah I am quite aware what their 'average' size trout is (very big!)
I have now seen (recent pictures) of trout of 25-30 kg pulled from Japan, the Coral Sea, New Caledonia, and also from the Indian Ocean.
It's hard to believe the waters between Exmouth and Mackerel Islands would'nt hold a few?!
Was rather keen to have 'taken' that spare spot if not for the amount of $$ involved... Nomad is one of the most expensive jig/pop trips out there and for me my time has not come yet. Will make do with 'cheaper' ones for now.
Hope u're bringing decent gear!!! And a notepad for the stuff you're about to learn from the people you meet!
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
Nomad provide top shelf gear
Nomad provide top shelf gear on board, but yeah, i'll be taking some of my own. I'll be lugging a bit of my own gear, but you are kind've restricted by a max. 20kg/person, so i'll be using their high end stuff for the big boys....
And you're right about the $$$'s- had some serious sweet talking to do to get my leave ticket from S.W.M.B.O...
. It is a lot of coin you for sure, but the chances of this opputunity ever popping(sic..
) up for me again in the forseeable is remote(as is Marion Reef... heehee
And yeah- there sure is gonna be some knowledgeable fisho's on board, looking forward to watching some of these GT masters in action.
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 09/08/06
Mind blowing fishing...exoctic locations
With all this talk of fishing exoctic locations, I thought some of the members may be interested in an upcoming trip I'm going on in November. I've done four of these trips previously, and it is truly mind blowing.
Normally, it's nearly immpossible to get on one of these trips, as it's are such good value they're booked out well in advance., but there are currently approx 5 spots still available.
The Trip-
There are a chain of reefs located off the Australian/Queensland Coast known as the Coral Sea Island Territories. This chain of reefs is one of the most remote and inaccessible systems of reefs in the world. Of the 16 reefs in the system, the closest to land is 180nm, the furtherest out is 380nm.
A truly wild place, one of the last frontiers for hardcore sportfishing on earth.
Multiple hook-ups on tackle destroying gamefish are common, as are incredible wipeouts that will leave you stunned.
24-37kg stand up, popping and jigging gear is normal, with 15kg outfits being very sporting. The fish here either get big or get eaten.
Species targeted at reefs such as Saumarez, Wreck, Kenn and Fredericks include Black and Blue Marlin, Sailfish,Yellowfin Tuna, Dogtooth Tuna, Giant Trevally, Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, Jobfish, Huge Oceanic Coral Trout, Big Red Bass and many more.
The Mothership
KANIMBLA is a 25m/82ft Aluminium ship whose catamaran design provides maximum stability at sea. Her wide beam and 3 levels afford a spacious living area and plenty of deck space for fishing and diving activities.
All living areas are fully air-conditioned.
Dine and relax in our Saloon which is equipped with TV, DVD, Video and Sound System.
To further enhance your fishing experience we carry a fleet of 6 Webster Twin Fishers which allow you to access reef environments.
The Twin Fishers are also of a catamaran design offering space and stability. Each boat has a 30hp outboard, depth sounder, safety gear and a UHF radio
This trip really aimed at anglers who have a relatively high level of experience. Whilst the crew are fantastic and very professional, the focus is on the clients using their own skill to get onto the fish. The websters are self driven, and you get to troll, jig, spearfish...pretty much where ever you like. Frankly speaking, it's pretty hard to miss out in a place that, and following basic bluewater fishing techniques will get you stretched. This trip is planned as a reef duo visiting Saumarez and Fredericks reefs over 10 days...with the option of fishing the infamous Calder Bank(a 40m deep sea mount rising out of over 2000m)......There are so many options available. One minute you can be throwing poppers around coral flats at huge GTs, and ten minutes later be jigging for dogtooth off the drop offs, then have an afternoon troll for marlin....
I'm currently building a giant tackle mound to sacrifice to my piscatorial challenges
bring it on........
10 day fully catered trip
18 October to 28 October 2008
Ex Gladstone/QLD Marina
Supply your own fishing gear
Aus$3040 per person, conditions apply
PM me if you're interested
Coral sea carnage