Exmouth: Cobia sightcast off the back of a whaleshark out of Tantas, May 2010

Exmouth: Cobia sightcast off the back of a whaleshark out of Tantas, May 2010

One of Pete D's pics.

We were all fishing the bottom when a whaleshark came past to check out the chute. Everyone was just about to get into their bathers when I noticed the Cobia hanging off the back of the whaleshark. I brought up the jig I was using and cast a 200g jig using my BX600 a few times, but no takes so I swapped to casting a McArthy Finesse Minnow at over the whaleshark's shoulder, the Cobia peeled off and hit it!

Check out the picture of the toe I broke while this fish was on!
