Few Kgs & Foxy from Yesterday

Few Kgs & Foxy from Yesterday

Saulty2's picture

Posts: 658

Date Joined: 28/05/10

quality feed there Andy

Mon, 2015-03-30 06:21

showing the old man how its done!  LOL

fish 06's picture

Posts: 164

Date Joined: 30/06/13

Nice Feed

Mon, 2015-03-30 10:48

Nice feed there Little Andy
seeing more fox fish every time I get out

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5360

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Long way away saulty

Mon, 2015-03-30 18:29

 I give him credit andys doing well

Walfootrot's picture

Posts: 1385

Date Joined: 23/07/12

 Nice going Andy. Some nice

Mon, 2015-03-30 19:13

 Nice going Andy. Some nice feeds there 


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

Scotte's picture

Posts: 1145

Date Joined: 07/12/06

 top catch! Doesnt get any

Mon, 2015-03-30 19:17

 top catch! Doesnt get any better than fried whiting bit of salt and pepper!