Finally Finished.
Submitted by DieHard on Mon, 2010-05-10 16:03

hey people
jsut like to show you the rig i made for stingrays etc.
Thanks Brody and Leemo for teaching me to snell.
anywayz it is a
100g Grapnel onto 'T" swivel onto a bloodknot of 50-60cm of 150lb mono to 2 snelled 8/0 Gamas...
with a 10-11cm plasctis skirt covering the hooks and a snap glowstick infornt to stop it sliding and to attract.
using scalies as bait :P
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
can cast this with another
can cast this with another 90 grams added on (basically the average weight of a scalie) 40m easy i think about 60m i could reach!
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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Liam taught you how to
Liam taught you how to snell?
Oh lord.
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hahaha Flangies he sure did
hahaha Flangies he sure did !!!
lets hope it will stay together :P
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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thanks jimmyboy. just for
thanks jimmyboy. just for the record, never had a snell fall apart on me or get loose.
bludgin' since 94'
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ahaha well i havent caught
ahaha well i havent caught yet on it. modified the rig a bit etended the trace nearly double the length so the grapnel does not annoy the bait/ray and made hooks 7/0 gamas circle.
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Faulkner Family
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hope it does the job for you
hope it does the job for you and you dont loose too much gear throwing that rig out there. snelling job looks good
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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I recon that'll get you a
I recon that'll get you a ray for 2 for sure!
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Thanks guys. Grapnels are at
Thanks guys.
Grapnels are at rip-off price $5 haha.
and yes i hope it will get a ray or 2 maybe a shark but thats pushing it!
550m of 12.5kg good enough
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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Date Joined: 20/07/09
I woulda thought an old star
I woulda thought an old star sinker woulda done the job unless you're fishing somewhere that theres a strong current or waves? Where do you usually fish mate?
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At hillarys either at the
At hillarys either at the Disabled platform or in the channel of the harbour. i know there is a strong current on a south wester at the platform.
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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Ray rig
Mate a heads up if u going to be targeting rays , get rid of your steel wire grapnel and rather use the weed eater ones . or even better just use a normal tear drop or cone sinker .
The reason why , is that rays sit on the bait before they pick it up - during this process the ray is often jabbed by the grapnell and is spooked . The use of the skirt is good as it creates some movement / flash , iv had a lot of success with the bright lumo pink ones . The 550m is enough line to land "most" ray's , iv got 700m on mine and that hasn't been enough on a few occasions .
Good luck mate
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wow thank rag bag! do you
wow thank rag bag!
do you think trimming the wire will hellp?
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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pull the steel out and replace it with the mono they use in weed eater's - 2.5mm is good , but keep it short = 3-4cm is plenty. U might have to make the holes a little bigger , once u'v replaced the steel just use a punch and pinch the lead against the mono.
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id trust brodies snells
id trust brodies snells
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hahaha Poor Leemo he must
Poor Leemo he must be feeling like a pro :D
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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If your after rays just
If your after rays just throw out a whole herring, the rig dont matter as long as ou have plenty of hook showing and the bait in on the bottom you will get them, rays are not too fussy about expensive tackle. some times your better keeping it simple, less expensive and it works. but if your after say mulloway from hillaries you can PM and Iwill show you a rig that has caught me many mulloway from there over the years.
I dont need counselling just a bigger boat
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Brenz, i love you too man.
Brenz, i love you too man.
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HAHAHA brody :P oi Liam
HAHAHA brody :P
oi Liam was pretty jealous with my set-up secrets safe with me ;)
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
honsu chin
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Geezus.....looks fancier
Geezus.....looks fancier than my snapper/mulloway rig!!
Dunno about the glowsticks at the bait....
To be honest.....I rather just use a 5oz star sinker with a short 30cm trace and a 1m long trace to the hook via a 3 way swivel....
As somebody long as your bait is on the bottom, you'll catch stingrays no problem. Hell Ive caught a few with a running sinker rig meant for skippys.
Looks like a good snapper rig rather than a sting ray rig.
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Thanks Honsu!
Thanks Honsu!
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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Die Hard, not picking
But why not just use a standard knot like a Uni for the bottom hook. It is stronger than a snell and less likely to unrap with the loose tag end.
The knot however does look spiff.
Just trying to help. My snells is always a Uni on the bottom, with a silly snell above.
Hope it helps and wonder what other peoples thoughts are.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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agree with above
agree with above ^^^^^
just uni the bottom, use a strip of mullet as bait and hold on dude...
how are you going to land them off the dissabled platform?
how are you going to un-hook the ray?
and how are you going to realease it safely?
mabye you should look at pinnaroo point or the beaches south of hillarys wall as that will make all of the above much easier for you and the ray,
cheers russ
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hey mate i have thought of
hey mate i have thought of this a bit!
i am only 14 and i would not cope etc.
that is why i try otganise to go down with leemo as he knows what to do. he brings along a gaff and gaffs in the mouth then flips it on its back removes hook and the hold it back ionto the water then ungaff. doesnt sound hard but its tricky.
i use this rig and a whole scalie got some nice clean big bites from it aswell!
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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i agree with above comments
i agree with above comments mate stinrays will find any bait usuall i mean heck leemo recons he even got one on a twisty !
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possible it is on a twisty.
possible it is on a twisty.
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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Easy chaps
Just trying to help on the snell knots
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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oh sorry i just intended in
oh sorry i just intended in me saying i thought of it a lot! because i really have thought of what i will do when the stingray is in sight.
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Colin Hay
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Nice work there Eric
Could be a good winter snapper rig there.
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hey colin, a qustion the
hey colin,
a qustion the trace is at about 500-600mm should i make it longer? and i will then be using 7/0 gamas circles for snapper that is.
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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Sorry diehard
Misread your post. 1000 apologies- apology, apology...................
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Hey eric if you want to hook
Hey eric if you want to hook the big black just go to the disabled platform and put a bait about 10-15 metres off the side looking at the beach. Every time I go there and get nothing I just plop a bait in there and it usually takes about 10 minutes. But you will probably lose a lot of rigs cause the ray is a monster, I haven't landed him yet and I was using my 37kg game rod with 800 metres of line, so get some cheap hooks and hold on:)
People who haven't caught a big fish just don't get it
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sounds like a challenge :/
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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if its the same ray which
if its the same ray which hangs around little island then it is huge as its nearly the size of my 3.7mtr tinny haha
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Hey Mitch that ray would it
Mitch that ray would it happen to live on the south-east side?
if it is, its huge!!!!
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!