The fish u lov to hate

The fish u lov to hate

Went hard in 40 meters of water


Assassin landbase fishing club

The_Wanderer's picture

Posts: 735

Date Joined: 24/09/08

LOL steve would have loved

Mon, 2011-05-23 11:37

LOL steve would have loved that!

JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

Possibly looks like an

Mon, 2011-05-23 12:10

Possibly looks like an amberjack, not Sambo, although sometimes difficult to tell?


Did you keep it? If released, best to handle them without fingers in the gills apparently.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

Date Joined: 04/04/08

C'mon John, you should know

Mon, 2011-05-23 12:18

C'mon John, you should know thats not an amberjack :p

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

We called it for a sambo

Mon, 2011-05-23 15:13

But was hoping it was a big dhuie


Assassin landbase fishing club

dshoot's picture

Posts: 187

Date Joined: 16/07/09

 you hold that Sambo like a

Thu, 2011-05-26 10:11

 you hold that Sambo like a AK-47


Live to Fish & Fish to Live

Fishing for the Freezer since 1983

Brody's picture

Posts: 1025

Date Joined: 06/02/07

Haha. Sharp shooter sherbert.

Thu, 2011-05-26 10:42

Haha. Sharp shooter sherbert.

JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

Yeah, its head is a bit

Thu, 2011-05-26 13:25

Yeah, its head is a bit sharp....Yellow Tail Samberjack.........


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06


Thu, 2011-05-26 17:40

Dhuie, But like sh** to eat lol



Assassin landbase fishing club