Flathead on Damiki Vaults
Submitted by SandGroper84 on Wed, 2010-02-10 17:57

Hey all, ive just started fishing the swan for bream and Flathead with lures, mainly chasing bream on the flats. This 53cm flattie fell to a Damiki Vault which ive found out flatties love them, was wondering if that is a good personal best or not? Also is it common to get whiting on metal vibes? (Sorry about the tail where it is, wasnt to leave the length out, fish moved at last minute and was a long fight on 2lb braid wanted to get her back into her world as soon as possible.)
Love this Country!
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Date Joined: 17/03/09
great catch mate. is that
great catch mate. is that canning bridge?
Posts: 329
Date Joined: 06/02/10
yeh canning bridge, was
yeh canning bridge, was caught fishing between the poles, but took me for a run towards the city
Love this Country!
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Date Joined: 17/03/09
about what time did you
about what time did you catch that sandgroper?
sorry for all the questions but i have been fishing that area heaps with no result
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
at 53cm that is a nice
at 53cm that is a nice lizard for the canning, used to get quite a few of them around the bridge but not that size, well done
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 25/06/09
great fish mate. havent
great fish mate. havent tried the vaults yet but they seem to work pretty well :). ive had a bit of luck catching decent 25cm+ whiting using the berkley saltwater worm thingos red in colour i think. snell a couple of hooks in the head and tail and it shud be good to go :). good luck, great catch again.
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shanedm, yeh the vaults are
shanedm, yeh the vaults are producing the goods for me, i found the 7g the best, you can really get it out there into the wind, yeh the whiting was a shock catch hey, it pulled like a freight train aswell, was stoked to put that capture into my book. yeh ill have a go at the berkley worm thingo as u say and see how i do. cheers
Faulkner Family, thanks for the comments
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Luke Ellis
Posts: 113
Date Joined: 05/07/09
Good work mate i caught a
Good work mate i caught a 53cm at the canningridge on boxing day and released it...it might be the same one?Haha awsome fish!
Luke Ellis
Posts: 113
Date Joined: 05/07/09
And the 53cm flatty is my pb
And the 53cm flatty is my pb aswell
Posts: 329
Date Joined: 06/02/10
Yeh there is a lot down
Yeh there is a lot down there, i actually did another pb flattie today, 55 and a bit, always gotta put the bit in, ive uploaded it onto my profile, she was released aswell, put up a decent fight on the light stuff, maybe 5-6mins
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Luke Ellis
Posts: 113
Date Joined: 05/07/09
Thats awsome mate,cant find
Thats awsome mate,cant find the photo post it up..i might head down early saturday morning for a flatty session..have u been cathching many or just the odd one?