GT gear in the Rocket Launcher
Submitted by jay_burgess on Sun, 2007-05-20 12:25

My Stella 20000 and GT86 rod in the rocket launcher. Saw an estimated 25 kilo barracuda right next to one of the channel markeres yesterday so I blasted out the haymaker over his head and blooped it slowley towards him. He took off and sat cautiously behind it as I worked it back to the boat but he didn't have a go :(
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
Some nice bling there Jay , then pink Halco's don't look ike anything in the ocean but the fish seem to love them .
When I was at the Murray cod dam we fish I was looking for a big popper to use and pulled out the pink Rooster as it was all I had in that size and even the Murray cod were belting them , now there ain't anything in that dam pink and yellow but it got hit many times anyway ????
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Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Yeah I quite like the
Yeah I quite like the colours on that popper. Last time I used it I hooked a nice GT but lost it :( Got the trebles and split rings upgraded to owner.
Jay Burgess