heres another one for ya steve, would go nice in your tank!
Submitted by keef on Sun, 2010-08-29 11:02

bar cheek
limit your catch, dont catch your limit
Posts: 2154
Date Joined: 06/08/10
Very gud lookin fish. Alot
Very gud lookin fish. Alot better lokin than my barra's :)
Posts: 1443
Date Joined: 05/01/10
Coral Trout
Thats cool!! How would he go sharing the tank with other fish? I would expect him to be quite territorial/ aggressive.
I once had a great idea to have about 5 small jacks in my tank at once, against the advice of my other half, mmm... should have listened, didn't end well!! Resulted in 5 jacks becoming ONE!!
I was just talking to my mate who always fishes with me [who built my tank] about building a sump for it and turning it to a marine set up. How hard are they to look after? Another buddy of mine had a marine tank and used to get some bloke to come around with a tank on the back of a trailer to change his water, is this what people usually do?
Posts: 2154
Date Joined: 06/08/10
5 jacks together. Your crazy
5 jacks together. Your crazy haha
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 26/03/10
yeah takes a bit of time and
yeah takes a bit of time and dedication, im obsessed so its easy for me haha, i get my water delivered .500 litres delivered is about $50
limit your catch, dont catch your limit