[img_assist|fid=62501|thumb=0|alt=jacks tevhead]
gidday all .just got back from coral bay
i had a bloody ball .unfortunatly i only got the boat out the one time with my wife as deckie and my 2 young boys 7 and 5.they lasted about 20minutes before they wanted to go back .the swell was big and the wind was on the up so i treid trolling around inside south passage hoping to hook up to maybee increase my kids enthusiasim.but no joy 10 minutes later i look up the front of my boat and both kids are asleep .after months of windging that i never take them fishing and there sleeping.so i took the wife for a sight seeing tour of the shallow reefs south of town .she looked and i did my best to hook somthing on a plastic .no cigar.
so basicaly with the wind blowing its ring out for the 2 weeks i became a first class sand castle builder.brownie points big time .
the second week JACK to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with two half days of beach fishing 50 odd km north of town,and yep i got squat.but jack got the big trev above .and did it make him piss!!!!!
.we were lobbing baits into a little cut in the reef from shore.jack was on fire landing a couple of nice spanglies a cobia and then BBBBBAAAAAAANNNNNGGGGGGG.HIS ROD DOUBLED and line peeeeeellled from the spheros .we called it for a shark and the drag was screwed all the way down .after 10 minutes off getting some then loosing more he was hurting.but he kept at it and there ya go a 20kg plus trev pulled out off 3 to 4 foot of water
always in it just the depth that varies
the drag on the reel used is cactus.especialy after the next fish which was a nice size shovel nose shark .JACK IS BACK
always in it just the depth that varies
im booking again for next year .it was a great family holiday jay. my boys had a ball playing cricket and footy with travis and all the other grommies,buliding sand castles .going on the quad tours with the zeplins and cutting up on the bikes with the kids on the back[they bloody loved it].come to think of it i had a ball playing cricket and footy with all the grommies as well .also met a heap of crew including getting on the piss with the mahi mahi chater crew till stumps ,Bernie the skipper and his deckie know there stuff.also talking crap with the owners of the pud till late .
[img_assist|fid=62505|thumb=0|alt=trev release]
"im booking again for next year .it was a great family holiday jay."
I have no doubt it was Mitch ;)) Top stuff mate, I might have to ask Mum if we can go over next year and catch up with the Zeps, maybe we could book a charter or two :)
ill be taking the boat next year jay as i need the extra room to cary all our stuff .so if the weather is good ill be getting outthere.still theres plenty of coastline to check out for a beach fish .but if not ill be keen to go on a charter as well .bloody top place to unwind though .ya get tied just sitting on the beach doing nothing .even found myself having a nanna nap now and then
my 2 boys in the background just hanging to trash this palace
always in it just the depth that varies
great trev! gotta get me one of those big boys one day. And very impressive sand castle, but i can understand why they want to trash it, you just cant walk past one with out having the urge to destroy it >:D
Ouch!! Yeh the guns were pumpin after that!! Was one of the last things i thought would be cruisin around in 3-4 foot of water. Pretty lucky to get him actually. The BIG BOY wanted the deep straight away and was off and out around the reef. For some silly reason he came back inside and was laying on the sand in around 10 min. In the meantime mitch is in one ear sayin he's got ya, your f@#k$d, he's done ya! Hence the reason the guns came out!!! Great fun.
Esky's Loaded, Boat's Ready...... Lets Go!!!!!!
haha i reckon what jack pulled out off the whitey came easy probably staggering a bit but this bad girl got dragged kickn an screaming ,jack had his way with her ,gave her a hug and a kiss then sent home with a big smile on his dial
always in it just the depth that varies
Havin fun??? Talkin crap!!! We wouldnt be that stupid!!! And yeh ya right Andy, Mitch wouldnt take me out to a sanctuary for a fish, Havent heard from odge for a while and he's after my attention..... well he's got it!!! Bloody engineers!!! hehehe.
Esky's Loaded, Boat's Ready...... Lets Go!!!!!!
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Jesus Mitch that GT is a
Jesus Mitch that GT is a horse! How was the recent trip?
Jay Burgess
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
jacks trev
[img_assist|fid=62501|thumb=0|alt=jacks tevhead]
gidday all .just got back from coral bay
i had a bloody ball .unfortunatly i only got the boat out the one time with my wife as deckie and my 2 young boys 7 and 5.they lasted about 20minutes before they wanted to go back .the swell was big and the wind was on the up so i treid trolling around inside south passage hoping to hook up to maybee increase my kids enthusiasim.but no joy 10 minutes later i look up the front of my boat and both kids are asleep .after months of windging that i never take them fishing and there sleeping.so i took the wife for a sight seeing tour of the shallow reefs south of town .she looked and i did my best to hook somthing on a plastic .no cigar.
so basicaly with the wind blowing its ring out for the 2 weeks i became a first class sand castle builder.brownie points big time .
the second week JACK to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with two half days of beach fishing 50 odd km north of town,and yep i got squat.but jack got the big trev above .and did it make him piss!!!!!
.we were lobbing baits into a little cut in the reef from shore.jack was on fire landing a couple of nice spanglies a cobia and then BBBBBAAAAAAANNNNNGGGGGGG.HIS ROD DOUBLED and line peeeeeellled from the spheros .we called it for a shark and the drag was screwed all the way down .after 10 minutes off getting some then loosing more he was hurting.but he kept at it and there ya go a 20kg plus trev pulled out off 3 to 4 foot of water
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 24
Date Joined: 11/11/05
Jacks Back
Thanks for showing us them Mitch made us jealous we were pretend fishing in the pool at home.........
Well done Jack!
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
the drag on the reel used is cactus.especialy after the next fish which was a nice size shovel nose shark .JACK IS BACK
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Awesome stuff Mitch, I'm
Awesome stuff Mitch, I'm glad we didn't go to Coral Bay this September... don't think I'll ever go there during that time of year again :p
Might have to make an annual pilgrimage during April me thinks.
50 km north, what access is that? Did you camp on the beach?
Jay Burgess
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
na mate just hit the cosal access track
im booking again for next year .it was a great family holiday jay. my boys had a ball playing cricket and footy with travis and all the other grommies,buliding sand castles .going on the quad tours with the zeplins and cutting up on the bikes with the kids on the back[they bloody loved it].come to think of it i had a ball playing cricket and footy with all the grommies as well .also met a heap of crew including getting on the piss with the mahi mahi chater crew till stumps ,Bernie the skipper and his deckie know there stuff.also talking crap with the owners of the pud till late .
[img_assist|fid=62505|thumb=0|alt=trev release]
always in it just the depth that varies
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Great report Mitch
Hows Bernie been going? They been getting into the Reds or chasing billies lately?
He's a top bloke for sure.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Jack's GT
Great fish there. Love the front on shot showing the thickness of the fish.
No doubt he's swimming out there now terrifying the resident mullet schools.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
"im booking again for next
"im booking again for next year .it was a great family holiday jay."
I have no doubt it was Mitch ;)) Top stuff mate, I might have to ask Mum if we can go over next year and catch up with the Zeps, maybe we could book a charter or two :)
Jay Burgess
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
ill probably take my boat again next
ill be taking the boat next year jay as i need the extra room to cary all our stuff .so if the weather is good ill be getting outthere.still theres plenty of coastline to check out for a beach fish .but if not ill be keen to go on a charter as well .bloody top place to unwind though .ya get tied just sitting on the beach doing nothing .even found myself having a nanna nap now and then
my 2 boys in the background just hanging to trash this palace
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Sounds good mate. Hey I'll
Sounds good mate.
Hey I'll show the WAngler boys Jacks Trev if ya don't mind, sure they'll be impressed :))
Jay Burgess
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
na i dont mind
jay i dont mind ya telling them to come and have a look at the trev on the" pages of fishwrecked " not my fish
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
great trev! gotta get me one
great trev! gotta get me one of those big boys one day. And very impressive sand castle, but i can understand why they want to trash it, you just cant walk past one with out having the urge to destroy it >:D
Posts: 99
Date Joined: 04/05/06
Awsome GT Mate
Well done Jack, bet you had the Popeye forearms after that effort
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Oh my, what a horse! Think we have found our next photo of the month winner, jeeeeeeeeeeeeeebus!
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 148
Date Joined: 09/08/05
Sensational fish guys and sounds like a ripper holiday. Congrats to Jack on that monster too.
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
fat fish mate great work
fat fish mate great work
dan south
Posts: 714
Date Joined: 02/05/06
Dan.u said nit was a horse mitch dam right bout it to good work fellas hows jacks arms.
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 18/10/05
Ouch!! Yeh the guns were
Ouch!! Yeh the guns were pumpin after that!! Was one of the last things i thought would be cruisin around in 3-4 foot of water. Pretty lucky to get him actually. The BIG BOY wanted the deep straight away and was off and out around the reef. For some silly reason he came back inside and was laying on the sand in around 10 min. In the meantime mitch is in one ear sayin he's got ya, your f@#k$d, he's done ya! Hence the reason the guns came out!!! Great fun.
Esky's Loaded, Boat's Ready...... Lets Go!!!!!!
Posts: 4
Date Joined: 07/12/06
Jacks trev
You've pulled better looking things out of the Whitehouse, that one must have come from skips pub,
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
haha i reckon what jack
haha i reckon what jack pulled out off the whitey came easy probably staggering a bit but this bad girl got dragged kickn an screaming ,jack had his way with her ,gave her a hug and a kiss then sent home with a big smile on his dial
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 4
Date Joined: 07/12/06
Jacks trev
That fish looks familiar, it looks like a sanctuary fish to me.
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Sanctuary fish?
Jay Burgess
Posts: 522
Date Joined: 08/10/05
Fish caught out of the sanctury? Pretty safe to say I dont think mitchie would have been fishing in any sanctury.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Say Odge is having a bit of fun at Jack's expense. :)
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 18/10/05
Havin fun??? Talkin crap!!! We wouldnt be that stupid!!! And yeh ya right Andy, Mitch wouldnt take me out to a sanctuary for a fish, Havent heard from odge for a while and he's after my attention..... well he's got it!!! Bloody engineers!!! hehehe.
Esky's Loaded, Boat's Ready...... Lets Go!!!!!!
Posts: 4
Date Joined: 07/12/06
Ricky told me how to get your attention, it's still fun taking the piss!