SO it was you that I saw the other day at the Kent St hey Original Teenage. Nice mullet, they go hard for their size, pity there was no Mulloway around chomping on them.
And Sekans, mullet are in the Low Risk Category. No size limit, but a bag limit of 30 per day.
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
I did see a huge 60cm mullet
I did see a huge 60cm mullet today, mind you it was on the back of your head. :P
your so lucky i have a job lol
original teenage
Posts: 1024
Date Joined: 09/07/07
lol! very funny babe
lol! very funny babe
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
babe? something going on boys..
shecky's been telling me some suspect stuff that happens on your "fishing" trips
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
He told me he was spending
He told me he was spending the night with you on the boat friday ;)
Posts: 417
Date Joined: 29/10/08
i'll second that:)
happy fishing
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
He's dreaming... Little sh*t
He's dreaming...
Little sh*t will never get a mullloway...not on my boat anyway
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
there ya go schecky.
there ya go schecky. hhhahaha ill second that notion of him never gonna get one LOL
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 1645
Date Joined: 25/08/08
and wheres ur mulloway liam
and wheres ur mulloway liam
Posts: 1645
Date Joined: 25/08/08
hahah sam, u
hahah sam, u hypocrite
quote Sam on a chilly saturday afternoon:
Yeah ill get you a nice 15kg+ on my boat
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
Depends how good you scrub
Depends how good you scrub those toilets at work!
And i might think about taking u on the boat...
Posts: 1645
Date Joined: 25/08/08
as long as i dont have to
as long as i dont have to scrub ur dirty daks ahahahhaha
Posts: 1645
Date Joined: 25/08/08
thats the tip of the iceberg
thats the tip of the iceberg for nicson haha
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
cmon niccy! those murret
cmon niccy! those murret shuld be 3 times the size! hahhahahaaah james that is so funny
bludgin' since 94'
original teenage
Posts: 1024
Date Joined: 09/07/07
haha,lol! sam ,u got snapped!
haha,lol! sam ,u got snapped!
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Good work OT
That's a pretty good capture to start the comp rolling. Mullet aren't easy to entice to the hook.
And you now have some quality baits.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 22/09/09
just wondering, where can i
just wondering, where can i catch mullets? my mate was telling me they put up a good fight for fish that size.
original teenage
Posts: 1024
Date Joined: 09/07/07
yer,they do fight well,go
yer,they do fight well,go down to shelly mate,and just chuck some bread and ull see em start jumping
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 31/01/08
Nice catch. I've seen heaps
Nice catch. I've seen heaps of these in the river, and some are really big. Can you eat them?
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
They have a strong flavour Sekans but I like them
The Europeans really like them a lot.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 31/01/08
Cool. Now it's just the
Cool. Now it's just the problem of whether I trust eating something out of the river... and whether I can catch them. lol
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 31/01/08
Oh, just another question.
Oh, just another question. Do these guys have a legal size and bag limit?
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 22/09/09
shelley bridge?
shelley bridge?
Daniel Y
Posts: 423
Date Joined: 30/09/05
SO it was you that I saw the
SO it was you that I saw the other day at the Kent St hey Original Teenage. Nice mullet, they go hard for their size, pity there was no Mulloway around chomping on them.
And Sekans, mullet are in the Low Risk Category. No size limit, but a bag limit of 30 per day.
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 22/09/09
kent street? i didn't know
kent street? i didn't know there's a place to fish along kent street. is this kent street in bentley area?
Daniel Y
Posts: 423
Date Joined: 30/09/05
theres a few kent sts in
theres a few kent sts in perth. kent st weir is in Wilson. Its on the upper canning.
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 24/10/09
yer shifeng i know a
yer shifeng i know a place on kent st in bentley where you can catch some crabs
if your interested
original teenage
Posts: 1024
Date Joined: 09/07/07
the mullet runs,all the way
the mullet runs,all the way from shelly to kent street in pretty big schools
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 22/09/09
sweet! i shall go there for
sweet! i shall go there for a fish and search out the place when i'm back in perth
joe amato
Posts: 731
Date Joined: 21/12/08
nice mullet
nice mullet m8,how do you catch mullet on a line?wouldnt mind some mullet 4 bait?
original teenage
Posts: 1024
Date Joined: 09/07/07
normally ,just some bread or
normally ,just some bread or dough will work joe.on a smallhook