Leeman report

Had a wonderful time in Carnarvon didn't fish, sightseered and enjoyed the fruits, veggies and brought back a truck looked of chutneys, pickles, dipping sauces from Bumbuks hahahah Eat till I dropped with all the delicious frozen ice creams from Morels.
Anyway came back to Leeman on the 12th August, to a bit of dreary weather, damn cold after the Big C. Went touring around for a nice spot to try out the new collapsable rod/reels, still a lot of weed and dirty water, can' access some beachs with the 4x4 due to so much damn weed. By Wednesday the weather improved and water quality, off went the fisherman.
Went to look see at Calimba and decided the both of us to have a fish off of the little jetty there, to my surprise a first for me caught two under size little fat mulloway, one bream (undersize) and a couple of whiting all set free to swim another day, as all undersize. Apparently this spot if you have some crab nets, will catch some nice mana crabs. Couldn't believe my luck seeing it was 1.30pm in the arvo and a falling tide. Maybe old farts little bit of burley pellets worked. New rods worked a treat and I can say those little ruddy Mulloways put up a good fight hahahah
From Wednesday 15th August till my writing on Sunday the weather has been fantastic, ocean settled down and many fisherman have gone out, weather is perfect at the moment with (Sunday) about 15 boats out. Most from Wed., have caught dhuie, baldie and BA with herring and non table fish caught for bait. Couple of boats have just pulled up in the Park looks like they have just dumped their gear and are off into the mill pond ocean.
ps.......... If any of you are looking for a nice Park Home, seen the inside and to die for, its going for $38 thousand dollars ono, with shower, new hot water system, new roof, the annex is something (big), some fridges/freezers will be left, a/c & think the twin tub w/machine is staying & porta-potty, ceiling fan in the annex with light, it was orignally a 3x1 but one of the small b/rooms is a pantry, the other bedroom has bunks in it, you sure can swing a cat in the kitchen come family room. Its on gumtree under Park Home but the photos don't do it justice. Wish old fart would buy it for me hahahah
pss................nice photo had to upload the photo otherwise it wouldn't save, blonde moment again or senior moment hahahah
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 25/11/11
Cool pic
That is an amazing photo!!
The gods do not deduct from mans allotted span the hours spent in fishing