Loading Time
Submitted by poddyfish on Thu, 2010-08-26 10:16

Just mucking round with a couple of pics from a dive off gero few weeks back.
Loading up with a 650mm baldie on the floatline
mmm baldie burgers!
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
is your gun a bit low? i put mine up to my sternum, on the loading pad.
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
nah u can see my other hand coming down to lift it up scotto... lift and load you know how it is all in one motion... everyones abit different but i prefer to have a good grip of the rubbers then push n pull up onto the loading pad
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
How deep are going? I don't think I could hold my breath long enough to get down deep. Even when I scuba dive I have to go down feet first to clear my ears. Courtesy to breaking my nose half a dozen times or more playing rugby in my youth.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
yeah i have problems every now n then soupy equalising courtesy of bad sinus's. usually take a clarinase or similar before a dive and most times im not too bad. Gettin down to 15m atm on a good day but generally diving 10's for safety and spending more time on the bottom giving us more chance of a fish.
booked in to do a course here in october they say will get us down around the 20m mark comortably so waiting for that with baited breath!!! should be gooood
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
newbie question so what
newbie question so what happens when you shoot something thats bigger then you or something that pulls hard, i mean do you shoot it in the head with the spear gun and how long is the rope you need?
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
Float Line
Gun is connected to a speed rig onto the float line which runs up to my float dicey. If you do ping something decent you can let go of the gun slide up the float line and play it from the surface. Different fish require different gear - atm im only using a single 8L float but it does the job on the demersals. My float line is 20m
hope that helps - im sure there are a few more spearos on here willing to lend there advice also mate! everyone has a different opinion and gear preferences
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 1676
Date Joined: 12/07/09
i donno bout you but i would
i donno bout you but i would have the fish connected to me in any way.JMO
wouldnt it be bette to put them on the boat?
have you ever had big sharks swim around you and eat your fish?
im only just starting but in know im not leaving the bleeding fish in the water with me.
mayb im just weak but i dont want any more attention from shark.
well done tho mate nice fish and well done on diving so deep. keep it up.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
i think (hope) the baldy is attached to his float, not himself. i either carry my fish on my float, or attached to my gun handle when using a reel/no float.
not too many guys carry their fish on them. thats just asking for trouble
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
speared fish
generally danno if im some distance from the boat ill throw my fish on the float line and the end up with my float. this way ive got my gun ready to go again in case i see another nice fish or bruce rocks up for dinner. i spike then bleed my fish and go from there... dont usually spend a great deal of time in the drink with fish on the float but thats more so i dont loose my dinner than sharks... if ur afraid of sharks dont spear - its inevitable that you will see one eventually - generally all they want is the fish. (you hope) lol
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
ahh i see thanks for the
ahh i see thanks for the infto, so obviously you wouldnt spear a big shark and have it tied to yourself since it would be going crazy right.
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
i never have anything tied off to me dicey by way of fish or gun or something.... the fish are connect to your float line which is connected usually to the handle of your gun. if shit hits the fan your free to bail ie gun or float line gettin caught under a ledge or bruce taking off with your fish ect....
and no i wouldnt like to spear a big shark unless you wanted to really piss it off or loose everything... generally a bit of prod is enough to deter them - just be careful not to go 2 hard and get the flopper opened inside the shark.....
good luck with your diving mate
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
yeh thats what i thought
yeh thats what i thought thanks alot for the info!
Posts: 1676
Date Joined: 12/07/09
oh yer i see the line now
oh yer i see the line now makes more sense.
i thought u just had a small length of line to the gun and the fish is near u.
i guess im not used to it coz my uncle normaly shots the fish kills in and put in on the boat.
well done anyway and nice feed.