Marlin weight to length chart

Marlin weight to length chart

Some people might find this interesting/helpful

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Thu, 2007-03-15 20:28

Had a similar chart for barramundi when I was living up north. Gave a pretty good indication but at certain times of the year the fish really bulked up, meaning the chart often rated the fish as less than what they were.


Ps. Hey Nealez, how's that 760l build going?


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

Caw sore point that one! The

Fri, 2007-03-16 07:50

Caw sore point that one! The fellah im getting to build it has had it since the start of Feb, i seen him a couple of days ago and he said 'it'll be ready when it's ready' so im pretty pissed off.
I know he'll do a great job but at the cost of a couple of months

Tackle Dangler

Posts: 412

Date Joined: 02/09/06

Borrow my Rifle Mate

Fri, 2007-03-16 08:06

Hey Neal, I cant believe that he hasnt finished it mate.
I hope Karma soughts him out after you finally get your rod.
Hopefully you have it when i get home so we can try it out.
Hows life been treating ya mate.

Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

Hey damo, yeah he's got it

Fri, 2007-03-16 08:18

Hey damo, yeah he's got it comin im sure.
Same ol same ol down here eh, had in interview the other day lookin pretty good too so i should be pullin in some better toy money soon! fingers crossed dosen't look like im fishin this weekend wethers looking the goods too but ahh well thats the way it goes see ya in another week and a bit hey

Tackle Dangler

Posts: 412

Date Joined: 02/09/06

Great News

Fri, 2007-03-16 08:45

Good news about the work front mate. Well done. Hopefully more time for wettin a line.
Plenty of dollies and sharks swimmin around the vessel.
Heaps of Red Emp swimmin around the ROV.
The weather is fine could be out here in my boat.
Hows the latest reports with the salmon.
Is that harness setup come to the shop yet.
Anyway take care mate have to have a beer or two when i get home.
No more early mornin fishin hangoovers lately dude.

Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

Naa i haven't spuewed since

Fri, 2007-03-16 09:14

Naa i haven't spuewed since then and i don't plan on experiencing that again anytime soon either!
Salmon are really starting to fire up but only smaller one's round bunbury at the moment but give it time.
I haven't notice a harness around but ill get onto him and get him to order one with the adaptor for the bent butt too.
See ya soon damo

Tackle Dangler

Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

I've been told my rod WILL

Fri, 2007-03-23 16:08

I've been told my rod WILL be ready by wednesday next week, Too good to be true i think

Tackle Dangler

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

I've got that chart for

Fri, 2007-03-23 16:38

I've got that chart for barra too big john, but you're right.. at certain times they definately bulk up and are heavier than what the chart says.

If anyone is interested your typical wild 100cm barra should be around 12kgs.

My pb 110cm comes in at 17kgs (~37lbs) but I reckon it would have been a bit heavier but for arguments sake we'll leave it at 17.

Jay Burgess

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06

Nealez calstar

Fri, 2007-03-23 18:42

Sounds good Nealez. What's that saying about good things coming to those that wait ...



WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!