Submitted by Paul H on Sat, 2007-02-10 09:41

used to have a shack on Yorke penisula and little boat. Used to go out and catch gar and tommy ruffs
sister on left cousin in middle and me on right. had to photshop this one as the colour had made it orange came out pretty good in the end
jeez wasn't I a dork......Love those 70's shorts, probably had my socks up to my knees too!!
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
don't forget the towelling hats
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
goo old terry toweling
goo old terry toweling hats
my grand father swore by them