Metro arm stretching with JohnF 5 May 2011
Submitted by till on Thu, 2011-05-05 18:43
Pesky Sambos finding my 15lb outfit ;)
Ta for the fun day and the pic John!
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
On the fairy wand Jamie?
On the fairy wand Jamie?
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
Nice Jamie, that Sabel Dance
Nice Jamie, that Sabel Dance seems to entice alot of the bigger fish :p
Any other fish fellas?
How'd you fish today Fleayman?
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Lamby: on the fairy wand,
Lamby: on the fairy wand, same jig I bagged that dhu down your way on. Very happy it wasn't one of those sambos that just want to eat reef, it totally slugged it out though, pretty sure I got a good hard run every time it saw the damn boat.
SamC: I'll get bricked again sometime soon, but its fun in the mean time.
The morning it really looked like it was on with some other guys getting bit off on another boat and John got a screaming run from probably a tuna, but it was a bit slow on the bottom. I jigged a southern calamari, a few wrasse and some small dhufish. John copped a few bites but no conversion. Troll on the way home included some solid runs and we were expecting a mack, but the hooks pulled after three runs and we never saw it. Scary though, the lure had no teeth marks, so maybe it was a damn big king?
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
off hillaries
I was off hillaries today and was winding up a small skippy when a sambo a bit bigger than that smashed the skippy right near the boat without a hookup, nice fish BTW