My first Groper since moving to Albany
Submitted by Daniel Westerduin on Tue, 2015-04-14 08:27

Got my first Groper the other day since moving to Albany (Not my first ever though). Hopefully they will keep on getting bigger from now on but still not a bad one. Pulled it out from a real reefy area that it tried pretty hard to make it back to. The line rubbing on some rock for a bit before pulling it out. Slowly getting the area worked out with each trip putting in the hours exploring. Got a harlequin and a few small Blackarse cods as well.
Anytime Brad
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Love the south coast
Love the south coast, the blue's go hard. Got a couple off Walpole over easter biggest about 10kg, and lost a huge one which i couldnt stop in 10m of water, got colour then it just peeled the line off and strait into its hole. The blues are finiky to catch but all the more reward when it all comes together.
I would rather be fishing