My First Marlin

My First Marlin

Landed my first marlin today. Was caught south of south passage in 200m.

So far have spent 15 hours trolling for 6 raised fish, 3 hooked and one landed.

Also had a whale shark hang around the boat for 20 minutes. Had a quick swim with it but there was a couple of sharks below that got me out pretty quickly.

Awsome day. Not one fillet kept but our best day by far. Stoked.

damo6230's picture

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congratulations Brendan

Tue, 2010-04-27 21:36

nice work mate


mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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congratulations mate, a

Tue, 2010-04-27 21:38

congratulations mate, a capture you will never forget

Faulkner Family's picture

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top stuff. a marlin and a

Tue, 2010-04-27 21:43

top stuff. a marlin and a swim with a whale shark on the same day. no wonder you have a huge smile on your face. thats 2 things we are yet to do.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

hlokk's picture

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Nice work. Gotta be happy

Tue, 2010-04-27 22:03

Nice work. Gotta be happy with that. What lure did the damage and what gear did you get him on?

Seaquest's picture

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Was caught on a black soft

Tue, 2010-04-27 22:15

Was caught on a black soft grassy using a tyrnos reel and beastmaster rod loaded with 600m of 15kg. We are running two penn inters and a tiagra but the tyrnos on the outrigger keeps getting hit.

deepwater's picture

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well done Brendon,the first

Tue, 2010-04-27 22:20

well done Brendon,the first billie on the bored mate ,a smile that just about cut your head off mate ,i know how that feels when i got my first 1

a whale shark as well a great day all in all, look forward to seeing more pics of billies soon mate


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Gratz Brendan, nice to get

Wed, 2010-04-28 04:32

Gratz Brendan, nice to get it in  the bag after a few recent near misses!


soupster51's picture

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Wed, 2010-04-28 05:09

Nice work. Reward for the toil.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Paul G's picture

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Well done Brendan,great to

Wed, 2010-04-28 05:11

Well done Brendan,great to get the first of any species.but I think the marlin will always be the one I remember the most.i think mine was on the soft black great colour seems to work well.


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Yewwww good stuff Brendo!

Wed, 2010-04-28 07:47

Yewwww good stuff Brendo! well done mate, ive never been north so i don't know what to expect for when i do but looking at everyones pics is making me envy it more. Marlin are a dream fish!! Thumbs up from me!!


Forever learning with fishing

Andy Mac's picture

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Awesome feeling

Wed, 2010-04-28 08:30

One I hope to replicate myself one day.

You would be rightly stoked with a capture like that. Well done.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

Tony Halliday's picture

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bloody fab mate, nothing

Wed, 2010-04-28 10:27

bloody fab mate, nothing like a First to make you smile.



Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

Colin Hay's picture

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Great work Brendan

Wed, 2010-04-28 10:59

Great fish mate and great to see an angler really happy with his catch.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

Marky's picture

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Top effort mate, sounds like

Wed, 2010-04-28 11:06

Top effort mate, sounds like you guys had a great day... One to remember for sure...

Rick's picture

Posts: 1118

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Thats good

Wed, 2010-04-28 11:27

Well done mate top fish..

Good to see as we heading up there for a week next week so hopefully you left a few there.......Laughing

Well worth every minute of trolling I reckon, if the weather is the good we hope to spend a bit of time out that way


PGFC Member


Lucky Tim's picture

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awsome stuff Brendan, good

Wed, 2010-04-28 12:11

awsome stuff Brendan, good to see the research and hours have finally paid off. Hopefully they come thick and fast now.

Posts: 172

Date Joined: 20/12/09

Nice mate

Wed, 2010-04-28 13:11

Fuckin Nice mate



STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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Nice fish to open your account!!

Wed, 2010-04-28 16:12

Congratulations on your first billfish!!

harro's picture

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Wed, 2010-04-28 19:55

hey , yup i was there, fortunate enough to lend a hand, Smile and even driving the boat around whilst you were fighting the bugger was a buzz,but  now back to reality already 

brendan/chrisso/haz was foookin good fun up there the 3 days i had with yas, and yesterday was deffinately a day to remember with the whale shark and marlin not to mention the laugh we had when ur head was stuck in the water  whilst the whale shark and sharks below were coming straight towards you haha, gold memories, look after my red emporer mate!! lol and i,m sure the pic messages will be coming in the next few days, i,ll be thinkin of yas tomorrow,

today was equally fun swimming with the turtles and white tip reefies, good on ya bros great fun,

deepwater(jeff) was that you at the airport today, good to meet you too briefly mate,



 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

micktree's picture

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great fish

Wed, 2010-04-28 19:59

great fish and top catch well done