Other phot of tank
Submitted by fishyink on Tue, 2007-01-16 11:45

Here is a picture of my fishtank my pride and joy well second best after me fishing rods, i have lotsa diff african chiclids in ther (fetherfin catfish, bumble bee catfish, salmontail catfish, goldspot pleco, bristlenose, 4 clownloaches, tangirnine zebra, red zebra, electric blue, lombardies, electric yellows, and some other fish still to identifie)i got the wood from the river and i took it to supa cheap carwash and presure cleaned it then soaked it.(wood is expensive in the petshops), and found the limestone.The tank is 3foot wide 2.8 ft high and 2ft deep. next project is a saltwater tank =)
Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
Now thats a lovely aquarium!!
Do you have any small Frontosa's or Lyfrenix Strasecha? They are so beautiful to keep but they are very messy!