Puka and Blue-eye!

Puka and Blue-eye!

 Finally starting to get some ground sussed. Despite very fast drift again.



Insta: @wafishingofficial

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 Nice feed there. Heard mixed

Sun, 2018-05-20 19:29

 Nice feed there. Heard mixed reports about the blue eye taste but i know the puka is good. Well donr


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Spence's picture

Posts: 302

Date Joined: 09/08/10

I’ll let ya know. It looks

Sun, 2018-05-20 19:57

I’ll let ya know. It looks better than the puka filleted.



Insta: @wafishingofficial

Spence's picture

Posts: 302

Date Joined: 09/08/10

I can confirm that blue-eye

Tue, 2018-05-22 14:39

I can confirm that blue-eye is awesome. I am also a fish snob...given my freezer is filled with most of our demersal species up the coast. 

The texture is clean, big flakes, non-fishy, moist, soft, delicious! I do see potential for the fish to be easily overcooked, as its quite lean and would become very dry quickly on a bbq or something to that nature. I don't expect most fisherman can cook fish too well, hence mixed reports. 
I would put it up there with a smaller dhu fish, as the larger ones (10kg+) can be a bit so-so. Wouldn't class it as good as a baldy or robinson sea bream which are a 10/10 for me, but a firm 9/10!




Insta: @wafishingofficial

Ahpuka's picture

Posts: 36

Date Joined: 23/05/13

 Nice fish mate. Total agree

Tue, 2018-05-22 16:11

 Nice fish mate. Total agree with you on the blue eye, very similar to dhus. They taste great but it`s hard to beat robo`s

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

Date Joined: 07/02/08

getti ng there

Thu, 2018-05-31 18:42

 thats a good feed there mate, your going a bit deeper now hey and finding solid ledges/drop offs  for the blue eye?


 :::: Bass Hunter ::::