VAn Stall x 7 , stella's , saltiga's ,Accurate twin spin , and a little Zeebass



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Nealez's picture

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zee baas hidden it there as

Mon, 2006-12-18 09:22

zee baas hidden it there as well

Cha ching!!

Tackle Dangler

STAAL LOVER's picture

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Sat, 2008-07-19 17:10

I've heard of a charter boat that runs them!!SurprisedTongue out

Any idea of which one??




Bloke's picture

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Shakiri Charters

Sat, 2008-07-19 17:12

Al Beavan is your man Rodney

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STAAL LOVER's picture

Posts: 406

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Bet ya

Sat, 2008-07-19 17:32

their nice and exspensive!!!

but looks to supply the good stuff!!!




Kasey L.'s picture

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Shikari Charters - Allan

Sat, 2008-07-19 17:39

Shikari Charters - Allan Bevan, the man who started samson jigging.
Price to charter is the same as others (if not cheaper than some). Its been a while, but probably around 175-200.

Stellas, Saltigas, Staals, bait and jigs provided.

Always fun on pirate Al's. ;)

big john's picture

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Sat, 2008-07-19 17:54

She be good fun alright Kasey!


I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Bloke's picture

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oops typo

Sat, 2008-07-19 18:00

I nearly got the spelling right Tongue out

If you want on Al's boat it's best to book now Rodney, spots on his boat dont come easy once the jigging gets going.

I'd be up for a Fishwrecked jigging day if it can be organized.



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Neander's picture

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Yeah, ill be in for a

Sat, 2008-07-19 19:02

Yeah, ill be in for a session or two if there is a fishwrecked trip on the cards

Adam Gallash's picture

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fishwrecked jigging day?

Sat, 2008-07-19 20:17

Mmm, charter could be organised, expression of interest for November sometime?  I can't be there but will help sort it if need be. :)


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Bloke's picture

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Sounds good Adam

Sat, 2008-07-19 20:21

I'll be in on that for sure, might even be able to help out organising it if need be.

Would be a top day I reckon.



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Sun, 2008-07-20 14:30

Al is in USA at Icast at the moment, he's on the Van Stall stand as a rep.


Not many days available this year boys , don't even think about Dec it's all gone so is Jan from memoryFoot in mouth, if you want a spot ring soon or it will end in tears.


but there may be a booking that falls thru so no harm asking

Al has 15 Stalls on board and probably get a few more this season too, Accurate, Shimano Stella's , Saltiga's , Torsa's, Fin nor, Pfluger etc etc even has some gear you won't see anywhere else  , same as rods , calstars , Van Stalls, jigwrex ,bluerose's, jigging master, custom made jobs, also the testing gearSealed.


I have been out a few times and it's allways good , plenty of fish and you will learn a bit .


 Oatsfishwest member 88 .



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Sun, 2008-07-20 16:19

Didn't you deckie for Al Bevan? 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

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Who me ????????

Mon, 2008-07-21 01:33


I was just helping a mate out Cool.

 I did get to play with some awesome gear tho SurprisedSealedSealed.




 Oatsfishwest member 88 .



 OFW member 088 

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Tue, 2008-07-22 16:48


 I havn't kept a fish for over 2 years now , only time I keep one is if I pull up a Pigfish or black butt anything else gets a little tag shoved in it and back down it goes.


I have to say I'm still in love with the Samsons , they are one tuff fish .


How's the Skippy going out deep , should be making a pest of themselves by now.


I havn't been out for a while now , will have to hook up with someone going out soon.


Any Amberjacks in amongst the Sambo's , bet you do't throw them backWink .


Belly fillet of Ambo with a twist of lime , some good soy and Wasabi, H E A V E N !!!!


Ambo belly flaps don't even make it off the boat.



 Oatsfishwest member 88 .



 OFW member 088 

 Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.

STAAL LOVER's picture

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I'll be in on a jigging charter

Tue, 2008-07-22 21:36

would love to give it a go!!!

So put me down if ya organising one Al or AdamLaughing




Kasey L.'s picture

Posts: 1390

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Would rather eat amberjack

Tue, 2008-07-22 23:40

Would rather eat amberjack than dhuie...


Kasey L.'s picture

Posts: 1390

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Tue, 2008-07-22 23:40

yellowtail kingfish over pinkie

Kasey L.'s picture

Posts: 1390

Date Joined: 02/03/06


Tue, 2008-07-22 23:40

dont throw rocks at me....

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Im keen as for sambo jigin

Wed, 2008-07-23 11:28

Im keen as for sambo jigin season coming?

Anyone organising one yet?


My photography pictures...



Maverick's picture

Posts: 1260

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Hi jack

Wed, 2008-07-23 12:31


STOP hijacking my reels image Cool.


Start your own thread for a trip out Tongue out.


 Oatsfishwest member 88 .



 OFW member 088 

 Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.