Releasing rainbow trout
Submitted by Redfin 4 Life on Sat, 2012-01-28 10:13

Releaseing this nice rainbow after catching him, awesome fish :)
Redfin Wrangler
Posts: 144
Date Joined: 21/01/12
Nice mate
How long ago did u catch that?It's to warm at the moment?I recently been letting my spinners sink all the way to the bottom even if theres heaps of snags.Been getting a kilo plus redfin every 3 cast's.what area was it caught ?pemberton?.I heard through the grapevine if we get the same rain we did last year theyre gonna stock the living hell out of pemberton.But i'm really just after redfin since they taste 100 times better then trout..
"No life is so happy and so pleasant as the life of the well-govern'd angler."
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Awesome, sounds good with the
Awesome, sounds good with the kilo plus redfin mate!, and i got this one just yesterday, but the water is freezing cold and flowing pretty fast so theyre still active.. And i love catching trout just as much as redfin but just for the thrill of the catch, i almost always release any trout i catch
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
And as for the stockign at
And as for the stockign at pemberton, some of the places dont even need it theres so many trout down that way, and heaps of redfin to!, but i definately wouldnt argue against them stocking more :)