Shark tooth in Witch Doctor Teaser

Shark tooth in Witch Doctor Teaser

Couldnt believe this. Was taking pics of my Witch Doctor Teaser to put up and saw a bit of something white in one of the bite marks. Pulled out the tweezers and bloody hell!, was still part of a shark tooth in the bloody thing! So searched the teaser over and managed to find two more tiny tips of sharks teeths in the thing.

Not enough to make a necklace though hahaha!

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

hang it on a chain as a

Tue, 2010-02-09 22:36

hang it on a chain as a momento. hope the doc can be repaired


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

southcity104's picture

Posts: 1659

Date Joined: 27/01/09

That tooth looks like a great white!

Wed, 2010-02-10 07:05

Its not a bronzy or a tigers. The angles are too sharp. Not a mako either.



"Its a life style job"

scotto's picture

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Wed, 2010-02-10 10:15

it is small enough (hard to tell in the photo), it could be a wahoo or a mackie tooth. the profile looks the same.

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Yeah it is quiet small total

Wed, 2010-02-10 11:36

Yeah it is quiet small total length of it is only 6.3mm. Though it does seem to be broken as if it is just the tip, so could have possiblly been longer. Definitly not a Mackie or Wahoo, i have the jaws of a 28kg Mackie and a 18kg Wahoo on my wall and compared it to them. They dont have tiny serrations on the sides of their teeth it seems. Have compared it to my shark jaws i have too. The one it seems to resemble the most is a Hammerhead. Which would stand to reason as the only species of shark we have ever caught trolling up there or have had harrassing our boat outside the reef is Hammerheads. One year we even had a massive Great Hammerhead biting our motor.

carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2010-02-10 19:49

Looks like a tooth from a thickskin/sandbar whaler

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Thought it might be but

Wed, 2010-02-10 20:06

Thought it might be but checked it compared to my set of Thickskin Jaws and the tips are to thin and slightly wrong shape on the back. Also checked it against my jaws of, Bronze, Black, Longnose Grey.
Obviously not Mako, Blue or White Pointer.

Thought seems to match the teeth of the jaws of a Smooth Hammerhead.

carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2010-02-10 20:26

Did a little more research by chasing up my "Field identification guide to West Australian Sharks and Shark like Rays"and to only one close to it looks to be a dusky whaler

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Aha, dont have a set of

Wed, 2010-02-10 20:30

Aha, dont have a set of their jaws, how big do they get?

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Found this website. Reckon

Wed, 2010-02-10 20:36

Found this website. Reckon you could be on the money with it being a Dusky there carnarvonite.