snapper snapper snapper pics

snapper snapper snapper pics

dont call me a lier


fishing isnt a sport its a lifestyle

fisherman1992's picture

Posts: 320

Date Joined: 06/11/09

there ya go guys and i ment

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:48

there ya go guys and i ment to say we kept 2 but i only took one home sorry about the pic it was on my mums computer so i had to take a pic of it and post it to proov you guys wrong


fishing isnt a sport its a lifestyle

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

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Prove what? You are still a

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:49

Prove what? You are still a dickhead

STEVE231's picture

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Fri, 2010-07-09 20:55

Weren't you on a dinghy?? Looks like you're on a dance floor there??
EDIT... You forgot that you brought two home???

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

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The dance floor is a great

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:00

The dance floor is a great place to get the pinks!

DieHard's picture

Posts: 1823

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why didnt you just post it

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:50

why didnt you just post it from mums computer :?

oh so u took 2 home?

well congrats.


Hmm if i were to 100% believe you take a pick of the photos showing details...


DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!




DazSamFishing's picture

Posts: 1518

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 coincidence that these

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:51

 coincidence that these fish look similar to the fish in your avatar.

DieHard's picture

Posts: 1823

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Agreed... same clothes, The

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:55


same clothes, The white cupboard gives it away he was in the same place for the photo in his Avatar and Pic above ...


DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!




scottland's picture

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too true

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:52

i dont think many were calling you a liar its the fact u risked it


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

dumper's picture

Posts: 1027

Date Joined: 03/04/08

so you took a photo on your

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:57

so you took a photo on your phone of your computer screen. genius

PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

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a bit suss, nice fish man

Fri, 2010-07-09 20:57

a bit suss, nice fish man but you gained no credibility here

shabba's picture

Posts: 484

Date Joined: 26/02/08

why reply ?? he has put out

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:00

why reply ?? he has put out the bait..  & geting bites !!!!!

fisherman1992's picture

Posts: 320

Date Joined: 06/11/09

ok guys now you take it to

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:00

ok guys now you take it to far how manny fishos have a frige out the back and a cleaning area were they always clean the fish well i know im right you guys are wrong so im happy and dont care if you guys arnt and i wasnt asking for credit im just a very keen fisho well yer snapper night was great


fishing isnt a sport its a lifestyle

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

Date Joined: 11/05/08

Just a quicky mate.. not

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:02

Just a quicky mate.. not having a stab but do you have your RBFL ?

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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could have taken the time to

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:01

could have taken the time to get the picture straight, or is that to not show the image timestamp?


bludgin' since 94'

Posts: 169

Date Joined: 08/07/09

You are a dick.

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:02

And that is being nice.


DazSamFishing's picture

Posts: 1518

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shouldn't have skipped high

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:04

shouldn't have skipped high school champ... nor primary school based on your spelling & grammar.

Posts: 317

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if you took 1 home. how come

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:04

if you took 1 home.

how come those two look dead?

or did you just throw the smaller one overboard?


fisherman1992's picture

Posts: 320

Date Joined: 06/11/09

mate just fuck up iv proved

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:05

mate just fuck up iv proved you wrong so who cares go cry to someone els you people sound like kids and aparently im the imature one and yer get over it i got snapper big woop the pics not perfect no one is perfect guys


fishing isnt a sport its a lifestyle

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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just another quick one, how

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:14

just another quick one, how have you proved him wrong? and, I think your the one crying to everyone, not the other way round :)


bludgin' since 94'

Posts: 361

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This guy is a genius. He

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:05

This guy is a genius. He made a day for a lot of people today. Thanks. Laughing

fisherman1992's picture

Posts: 320

Date Joined: 06/11/09

fishing not about spelling

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:07

fishing not about spelling dick and i just said up the top read b4 u speak haha you guys love an argument  and why dont you guys listen to shabba and shut up cas thes bites are fun hahaha get ova it guy


fishing isnt a sport its a lifestyle

Posts: 317

Date Joined: 16/12/09

And you said you were the

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:13

And you said you were the mature one here..

Love the irony there mate.

And I was just wondering... cause you said you caught 8 but brought back 1.

But those two in the pictures look dead...

So you brought back 2 instead one 1.

Typo maybe..?


fisherman1992's picture

Posts: 320

Date Joined: 06/11/09

no wat ment to say was i got

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:16

no wat ment to say was i got one to keep and my mate kept one so that make 2 1 +1=2 yea or am i wrong like every other time


fishing isnt a sport its a lifestyle

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

umm, why are both fish

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:19

umm, why are both fish together, at your house i presume? and, '2 1 +1=22' not 2 ;)


bludgin' since 94'

dumper's picture

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aftr reedin sumoff hs post i

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:16

aftr reedin sumoff hs post i dun think it cud poserbly be  a typoLaughing

STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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Fri, 2010-07-09 21:23

I'm taking all "precorshens" was my favourite!!

DazSamFishing's picture

Posts: 1518

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that was gold Steve. Most

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:27

that was gold Steve. Most creative way of spelling.

big john's picture

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Fri, 2010-07-09 22:20

Love your work Dumper!


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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oi his wearing differnt

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:24

oi his wearing differnt pants i dont see y u guys are all being dick heads to him? did i miss something or is this ment to be a forum for fishing not acting like little immature pricks. just let him be if hes lieing his lieing. if hes telling the truth hes telling the truth its none of u guy's business stick to the fishing and boating please

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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not sure if you noticed FF,

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:27

not sure if you noticed FF, but were talking about fishing, and a bit about boating too!. if you notice, the flash of the camera brightens his pants in his avatar... ;)


bludgin' since 94'

Posts: 809

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even if i am wrong this

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:31

even if i am wrong this website still isnt made for ripping into other ppl

Posts: 809

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even if i am wrong this

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:31

even if i am wrong this website still isnt made for ripping into other ppl

Posts: 1676

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i see were ur coming from

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:39

i see were ur coming from but did u see his other post?

he sed that he is going to take his tinny out in the storm. he then asked for advise then we all sed no but he sed ive got all my safety stuff ready and all this. so he made the post to stir.

cheers danno

Kingfisher549's picture

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Fri, 2010-07-09 21:32

This idiot has been leading everybody around like sheep, look at his personal history and you will see that he doesnt even own a boat!


Baron Sportsman Custom

scottland's picture

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steve precorshens aint bad

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:32

wat about 'languidg"lol


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

fisherman1992's picture

Posts: 320

Date Joined: 06/11/09

um read dick head it was my

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:38

um read dick head it was my mates boat fucken grow up haha im out of here and yes it is about fish not bitching oh and ill never post anything again yer and if i see any one put up a fish or say they got a fish ill call thjem a lier and a dick head and a wanker and watever els cherz guys


fishing isnt a sport its a lifestyle

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

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You point me ONE other fish

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:45

You point me ONE other fish on any image that endangered lives of not only the fisherman, but the rescue personel and everyone else involved.

I dont care if you caught the fish or not!

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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You are a pleb of epic

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:48

You are a pleb of epic proportions

STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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Fri, 2010-07-09 21:40

What the hell do the teachers do nowadays?? They certainly don't teach english or maths. My 20y/o 4th year apprentice bricklayer doesn't even know his times tables for god sake, and he made it through year 12 at a private school!!! and I mean basic multiplication....i.e 3x4=????? WTF??

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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it may shock you to hear

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:56

it may shock you to hear this steve, but a lot of teachers nowadays actually swear as much as the students!


bludgin' since 94'

STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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Thats f#$%d!!

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:10

That's crazy, I swear like a mother f@#$%!&, but it never stopped me from learning. Only being a fairly recent forum poster, I'm astounded at the lack of knowledge in terms of proper spelling. I am by no means a english superstar, but surely the young'uns learn something??

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

yeah! I am 16 myself, and I

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:20

yeah! I am 16 myself, and I am astounded at the lack of spelling knowledge. This is Fishwrecked, not MSN, or txt. People need to start to type whole words, not abbreviations. I find it easier to type whole words anyway!


bludgin' since 94'

Kingfisher549's picture

Posts: 328

Date Joined: 15/09/09

Thank God

Fri, 2010-07-09 21:45

Take your dreams and dirty language to another sight where it maybe appreciated.


Baron Sportsman Custom

Shorty's picture

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I don't agree Kingfisher he

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:02

I don't agree Kingfisher he has been a good member since last year,the last day he has had his moments but its been a great thread anyway ,,


Funny that those two snapps have been in his avatar since Adam was a lad and funny there was no boat and trailer at the ramps last night,,,but its been fun and he has stuck to his gunsCool

original teenage's picture

Posts: 1024

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this is some Jerry Springer

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:02

this is some Jerry Springer shit on the net.a whole lot of bull sh**.

Shorty's picture

Posts: 1549

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I love Jerry

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:03

I love Jerry Springer,,better than Opray,lol

Kingfisher549's picture

Posts: 328

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Fri, 2010-07-09 22:08

He has provided some fun but the language is not appreciated as children read this information or in this case rubbish.


Baron Sportsman Custom

DieHard's picture

Posts: 1823

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Fri, 2010-07-09 22:11



DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!




Posts: 361

Date Joined: 09/08/09

I am proposing a plan, not

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:13

I am proposing a plan, not post on this or the other related thread after tonight’s midnight. It was great laugh but it’s not fish related anymore.


Translation, if you wish:

Aa jem propouzing e plen not tu post on diz or dy ader rylejtyt tryyd aftr tunajts midnajt…. Uff that’s quite hard. Cool

Posts: 967

Date Joined: 17/01/10

I think everyone has missed

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:23

I think everyone has missed the point here.

This is a fishing forum. There are 2 lovely snapper in that picture and that's all that matters Smile




Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

nice snapper in the dp john.

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:26

nice snapper in the dp john. how many did you get that day? 8? did you keep 1 but managed to end up with 2?


bludgin' since 94'

DieHard's picture

Posts: 1823

Date Joined: 06/10/08

Hey Mate Nice Snapper! Any

Fri, 2010-07-09 22:27

Hey Mate Nice Snapper!

Any details on capture like rig bait fight duration?

how big were they?


DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!




Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2010-07-09 23:09

Ahh I've seen enough.  I don't really give a crap either way about when or where you caught them.  But your deliberate attempts to mis-spell everything is over board.

Thread closed.


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