Speard Sambo

Speard Sambo

kane's picture

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No offence mate but...

Mon, 2009-02-16 15:27

whats the point? Do you own alot of dogs to feed it to or something?

Goooooone Fishin!


Gooooone Fishin!

big john's picture

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Each to their own

Mon, 2009-02-16 15:36

Sure Kane, sambo's are not everyones cup of tea but they make great fish curries etc at that size.

How deep Robbo?


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Faulkner Family's picture

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Nothing wrong with Sambo to eat

Mon, 2009-02-16 15:38

We have never had a bad one as long as it is under15kg there abouts as the bigger one can have worms . Eatting quility very nice if you cook it right and fresh not frozen but saying that i have had friends say it is nice even then. SO I GUESS it is all in our taste buds some like it some do not, what i say is do not always listen to others try it yourself.


By the way mate nice sambo good fight on gun that is for sure did it take you for a ride *LOL*




"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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Mon, 2009-02-16 15:43

what a waste of a good fished being speared taste like shit to im with you kane nice fish tho

tight lines

Faulkner Family's picture

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ok well thats 2 for 2 against

Mon, 2009-02-16 15:48

if you eat it or your dog eats it where is the waste atleast not going in the bin JMO



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Robbo27's picture

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Shot it in 20m. Nothing

Mon, 2009-02-16 15:49

Shot it in 20m. Nothing wrong with a bit of fresh Sambo on the BBQ. My 45 kg Rotty makes short work of the rest so it does not go to waste.

Faulkner Family's picture

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Did it take you for a Run *LOL*

Mon, 2009-02-16 15:50




"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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This is why people start to

Mon, 2009-02-16 15:53

This is why people start to not post pics up come on guys its a fishing site not the chat line for PETA , great fish well done Robbo I bet it give you a bit of curry on the flat hook . And to the others have you ever had it smoked , it's quite suprising when they are small soaked in a brown sugar and vinegar mix then smoked and eaten cold.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Mon, 2009-02-16 15:57

Gotta agree with feral there.  Its been speared, same outcome if it came up on line and was necked and was going to be eaten.  What's the problem?  Just because you may like to release them, doesn't make it wrong....


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kane's picture

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I said no offence

Mon, 2009-02-16 16:28

In my opinion theyre not good eating, each to their own, what ever floats your boat! Good target practice at any rate.

Goooooone Fishin!


Gooooone Fishin!

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So where are your recent

Mon, 2009-02-16 16:39

So where are your recent photos of sambos!!!!!! I aint got one. Nice to see someone elses though I reckon..



kane's picture

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Ill guess thats aimed at me?

Mon, 2009-02-16 16:50

I saw about half a dozen of them real close last Thursday diving off Rottnest, Because I didnt choose to put a spear through them Ill let you use your imagination!!!!!!

I dont care if people want to spear them, catch them and keep them catch them and release them, never heard of many people actually eating them before, always been referred to as a shit eating fish, hence blue juice chaters etc state on their website sambos caught will be released.

Thanks for your concern.


Goooooone Fishin!


Gooooone Fishin!

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I got no problem with people

Mon, 2009-02-16 16:59

I got no problem with people spearing them if it isn't wasted, and it sounds like its getting eaten.

I've had some curried and its fine, hangs together pretty nicely, you just need to take a bit more care with em than you might a dhufish or some other 5-star eating fish.

It turns into mush frozen, although someone told me they know someone who uses them for fish cakes so they consider it a plus.

I'm sure bluejuice like to see them released, they want to bring someone else there next week to catch the same fish!


PilbaraBrad's picture

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posting some good spearo

Mon, 2009-02-16 18:37

posting some good spearo captures mate, well done!

micktree's picture

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Mon, 2009-02-16 21:05

didnt mean to get every one fired up but wouldnt ya rather spear a nice baldie or something instead of a sambo but hey if thats what ya into then fair enough

tight lines

micktree's picture

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western wirrah

Mon, 2009-02-16 21:06

i would rather eat a western wirrah lol

tight lines

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sambos aint bad on tooth ,

Wed, 2009-08-26 17:41

sambos aint bad on tooth , you people over exagerate aye , Smaller ones are fine , big ones meat is tough and may have worms ,


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Big Fella fishn's picture

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Neighbours Fish

Wed, 2009-08-26 17:50

Keeps them happy anyway, good onya Robbo, nice fish.
Yes i have tasted it, and didnt find it too bad at all.

jersey's picture

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Good one

Wed, 2009-08-26 17:59

Robbo,I have speared some in the past and can vouch for the fight they give if not a spine shot,Im with the majority,they are ok to eat, jersey

kaney68's picture

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Nice one Robbo !

Wed, 2009-08-26 20:49

Yeh, the old Sambo gets a bit of a bad reputation from the guys who have been spoiled catching Dhuies, Baldies, etc every time they head out.
Sure it doesn't produce a great slab off prime flesh that is white, sweet and moist when cooked.
But give me a Sambo any day when it's time to cook a curry or even to eat as fresh sashimi !

Shorty's picture

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If the spearos wnat the

Wed, 2009-08-26 21:39

If the spearos wnat the sambos go for it,,just leave the dhuies etc,,lol Hope you managed to get a feed,,45kg Rotti eh ? probally eat it in one bite and start looking for more,,,

Just don't mention you give the left over Baldies/dhuies to the dog if you do,,you will upset Norman,,LMAO

Rosco's picture

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post what you catch

Wed, 2009-08-26 22:39

Post what you catch Robbo. Nice fish. I used to cop shite at school for eating squid, fried white bait, freo sardines and cobbler because my grandfather(Italian) used to catch it fresh. Now that people are educated everyone loves a bit of Calamari and white bait and squid are not considered just bait anymore. I've had many a good little sambo feed and I havnt had one person pick it yet either. Wouldnt eat a big one though.

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US food writer Jeremy

Thu, 2009-08-27 10:30

US food writer Jeremy Steingarten writes about "your personal calamari index". Its about how much people's food tastes have changed from the 80's on, using calamaris as the indicator. He is a good read if you ever spot his books.


Faulkner Family's picture

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we have eaten the big ones

Wed, 2009-08-26 22:44

we have eaten the big ones before , as long as there is no worms the flesh is good but gotta be fresh, they go down well with a nice creamy lemon sauce or your fave batter


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Craig Pearse's picture

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Nice one Robbo in 20m,ibet

Thu, 2009-09-03 09:24

Nice one Robbo in 20m,ibet it gave you heaps and a gooood rush , dive deep and hard m8y

Posts: 223

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Well i recon the lad did

Thu, 2009-09-03 21:23

Well i recon the lad did really well good on ya mate in 20m with a sambo going off.
The Chianmans go hard as up here and you need to be on the ball if you are spearn in 20m.
Well done

joe amato's picture

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gr8 fish

Sat, 2009-09-05 11:32

yeah m8 they are not bad eating if filleted correctly and cooked right,i used 2 work at kailis fish markets,fillet the sambos for restraunts,cafes,fish and chipshops aswell,also alot of fish and chip shopowners would buy them ,also might make alot of people think about it.also every1 thinks eating very fishy fish, like tasmanian salmon is great eating,i think it is over rated,all fish that are cooked and filleted corectly,taste great,great catch m8 cheersSmile