TAILOR Here they Are!

TAILOR Here they Are!

Here is sherbies catch. It was tailor every cast for 1.5 - 2 hours!

With a few nice extras thrown in.

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

It was agreat day

Fri, 2008-12-26 17:42

At our top location


Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Great mixed bag Dean

Fri, 2008-12-26 20:24

(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime http://fishwrecked-reeltime.com/

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

good on ya sherbs nice bag

Fri, 2008-12-26 21:02

good on ya sherbs nice bag there, a nice couple of feeds


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18091

Date Joined: 11/03/08

looks like more herring than

Fri, 2008-12-26 22:15

looks like more herring than taylor

either way its a verry good catch and a nice feed



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

If the tailor move on

Sat, 2008-12-27 04:56

The blue bait pick up herring as well

Plus some skippy too

Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

That's the type of beach fishing session you dream of

Sat, 2008-12-27 07:14

around here. Good onya mate.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime http://fishwrecked-reeltime.com/

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

On 8pound line

Sat, 2008-12-27 07:17

And a little 2500 reel ////Great fun


Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70


Sat, 2008-12-27 09:32

A good mixed catch from the beach fella's, well done....on light gear also that makes all the difference!


* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

Owner of "Oceanside Tackle & Marine"
364 South St, O'Connor, Perth Ph 9337 5682

nicmaddogg's picture

Posts: 115

Date Joined: 15/11/08

well done

Sat, 2008-12-27 19:08

mate where abouts did u catch that

i dream off those sort of days but i never catch anything

deefa's picture

Posts: 642

Date Joined: 09/09/05

nice one

Sat, 2008-12-27 23:28

nice one Sherb's/Dean..


north metro?


Got a few weeks off, gotta take my kids for a fish or two, any clues would be muchly appreciated guys.