Tantabiddi Boat Ramp

Tantabiddi Boat Ramp

Tantabiddi Boat Ramp - For the Boat Launching Sites information thread - 3-2-08


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Date Joined: 09/10/06

hey adam, is that at high

Mon, 2008-02-04 08:44

hey adam, is that at high tide or low. will be launching a 6mtr boat from there in april.
you mentioned bog mats, in the other thread, its supply your own l suppose.
cheers paul

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

Hey Adam, would a standard

Mon, 2008-02-04 09:49

Hey Adam, would a standard V6 sedan (front wheel) launch a tinny there?
heading up in April, i hope it does..





Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

The down low

Mon, 2008-02-04 13:06

Hey Paul,

With your new boat I would only go out to tantabiddi when the tides are right.  (High tide anywhere between 2pm-5pm) for the retrieve.  The bog mats are just visible in that pic on either side of the concrete barriers.  Best bet is to have 2 under the boat trailer and 2 under the car, car being the most important.  The movement of the sand with the tide washes the sand from under the car and with the weight of the boat the only place you are going is down.  By April there will be heaps of people using it so you will get the drift of how it works after watching one or two do it.  Just make sure you aren't retreiving on a low tide or 2-3 hours either side of it.


Hey Sam,

Tough one mate, you can do it, but if theres any water on the ramp or any resistance from the boat trailer in retrieving you will get tyre spin and not go very far.  If you do get stuck, you can always unhitch the trailer, drive the car up the ramp 10 meters or so, deploy your jockey wheel on the boat, tie your anchor rope to your towball and drag it up slowly and re-attach.





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Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/10/06

thanks for that

Mon, 2008-02-04 16:04

thanks for that adam.
looking at getting a swing down spare tyre for beach launching so that can be used if theres to much sand.
also have some rubber matting that l will take to help the retrieve.
cheers paul

mitch's picture

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Date Joined: 14/08/05

yep it can be prick of thing

Mon, 2008-02-04 16:15

yep it can be prick of thing pulling bigger boats on a low tide .aaaaaaaarggggg hhhhhh.but what great feeling it is when you first get there knowing the chance of hooking somthing unbelievable is up there..ive often wondered why they [shire] dont dig a bit of that silty sand out at the end of the concrete and dump a big pile of crushed limestone or road base as theres plenty of it around .ya wouldnt think it would be an expensive option and certainly save a few headachs
always in it just the depth that varies

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Sand buildup

Mon, 2008-02-04 19:32

I think that the sand would cover it pretty quick.   I have to sit there for 2.5 hours every coupla days and it shifts while you watch it.


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