Timbo Parrot
Submitted by poddyfish on Tue, 2011-01-11 20:18

Timbos big Blue Bar - Gut shot from hell but never mind
Still a solid fish for a beginner spearo
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 1921
Date Joined: 09/05/07
nice fish there poddyfish ,do
nice fish there poddyfish ,do they taste alought like a baldy mate ???
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
yeh they are nice jeff - different strokes for different folks but the smaller ones are quiet good.... wouldnt quiet hold them in the same regard as a baldie! the old baldie is one of my top 5 i think eatting wise!
still nice chewing a parrot tho
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 1921
Date Joined: 09/05/07
thanks for that poddy i
thanks for that poddy i throught they would be