What do you make of this?

What do you make of this?

Hey guys took this sounder shot from our last trip out south of rotto. We were just moving in between spots when I noticed bait flicking on the surface. This is what the sounder was showing under the bait on the surface. Interested to know what you guys make of it? If the bait ball was all the same density I wouldnt think any more of it but its a lot more dense at the bottom of the school, almost as if something was pushing them up from below. Couple other marks underneath aswell. We dropped jigs and tried fast retrieves hoping for a yellowfin bit thinking back we probably should have trolled a couple deep divers out the back aswell. Cheers. beau


carnarvonite's picture

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Sat, 2013-12-28 07:58

Looks like a school of mulies

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

+1. still might be worth a

Sat, 2013-12-28 08:05

+1. still might be worth a troll or drop


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diffrent sounder

Sat, 2013-12-28 14:49

had a school of small pinkies that looked  similar before

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Sat, 2013-12-28 15:12

The large red blob or feature is a densely packed group of small fish eg mullies closely packed together, the software does not have the ability to separate the school, a chirp unit would break up this cloud and separate the small fish as individual arches. If you have a gen 2 unit your can upgrade for a reasonable outlay by purchasing the new lowrance sonar hub with chirp and side scan features, you would also have to go a new transducer, well worth the extra money if its available. The separate features on you screen are small and larger fish on the outside of the school. The larger the mark on the screen the larger the fish, its all about stomach gas pockets inside the fish. Increase your ping and scroll rate for best picture. Always worth a drop.


paul a

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 I guess they would pic up

Sat, 2013-12-28 17:30

 I guess they would pic up fish farts also . Gas pockets lol 


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

Paul G's picture

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 Sorry what is this, its a

Sat, 2013-12-28 17:33

 Sorry what is this, its a school of fish .if mullies were seen on the surface I would think it was a school of bait .If you fished it and got nothing then the big fish were not biting or not in the area.Very simple,move to the next spot .


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

beau's picture

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I know that from 30m up is

Sat, 2013-12-28 18:32

I know that from 30m up is mulies, come on guys I aint that bloody stupid. Like I said if it was just a mass I'd presume bait only but because its more dense toward the bottom and theres showings underneath would you presume the showing underneath is something pushing that bait up. I saw johnFs sounder shot on his last post I thought it looked a bit similar to this but obviously with a stronger transducer


Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

 Would be all bait I would

Sat, 2013-12-28 19:41

 Would be all bait I would think.  we have one spot  in 40m and it gets a reading like that but from the bottom to the top. tailor bream,small yt macs small blue macs, and you get schools of dhuies under them .I can tell from the colour if the big fish are under the bait ,just years of looking a sounders .I have fished many schools like this but you can see when the big fish are there .  


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

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fish detection

Sat, 2013-12-28 20:02

In response to Paul G's comment I should have been more technical, what I was describing is the fishes swim bladder some tines called an air bladder. In bony fish their tissue and bone is more dense than sea water, the air bladder maintains the buoyancy of the fish, it is this part that is picked up by the echo sounder. The size of the swim bladder varies with the size and species. Some fish are able to adjust their internal bladder pressure. For all fish with air bladders, as they swim deeper they increase internal pressure to compensate. Any scientific publication on fish will provide you with this information.


paul a

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If I can add a little more

Sun, 2013-12-29 07:12

If I can add a little more all of the fish is actually picked up by the sounder not just the air bladder. What the sounder picks up is a difference in density from the surrounding water.
I'm not saying paula8519 is wrong though as the swim bladder can and usually shows more than the surrounding flesh in many fishes, so the comments are correct in a sense but the sounder will also show things that do not have a bladder or contain air such as rigs, bait (yours on the hook), sinkers, ropes, jelly fish and even thermoclines, plankton lines etc.



Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

 That all sound just great

Sat, 2013-12-28 21:20

 That all sound just great won't help you catch a fish though.Good being able to see the insides of a fish but if they not hungry .!!!


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

JohnF's picture

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No YFT in there Beau, just

Sat, 2013-12-28 23:40

No YFT in there Beau, just bait.

Individual red blobs (on Furuno, HDS is a bit different) and even better arches are a give away. I found the furuno does a great job of picking this up, Much better than my previous sounder.

Definately worth a drop though, just with the Sabiki jig.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.